Major Arcana:

Seeing is Believing- Other Sneezing

Movies! Yes, that's right, real movies of cartoons/computer generated people sneezing. While these could have easily fit onto other pages, I put them here in hopes of perhaps getting MORE of them. So, pull up a chair, sit back and watch! You may need to download: Apple Quicktime, Real Audio Player, Microsoft Media Player, or others.

Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck Next

Deck 1
NewNumberTitle ThumbnailDescription
I.Baby Sneezing

Male. Computer-generated but realistic sneeze from the 'Ally McBeal'(GAG!) baby
NOTE: this does not mean I support the show
II.Artistic Sneeze Computer-Generated Image of a face sneezing (no sound)
Need: RealPlayer
III.Rubberband Male voice-over. A short movie someone made for class featuring a rubberband sneezing and blowing its 'nose'. He does a voice-over warning, fake sneeze, and real nose-blowing for it.
Need: QuickTime
IV.Chrome Face

Male. A computer art animation of a 'chrome' man's head sneezing. No sound, but very well done Donnated by Cat
Aawin or another fli player
V.Cartoon Fish Cartoon Fish. A very cute and realistic sneeze from an animated cartoon fish.
Donnated by Cat
Aawin or another fli player
VI. Fun, Nice Day Program A smilie face exe file that you can play with. Hit him in the eye, make him spin, or click his nose to make him sneeze. Need to unzip it.

Angry Kid-zipped

Male, multiples. Visit for some WONDERFUL short films and more of Angry Kid
VIII.Sneezing Discussion Male(2). A cartoon with two guys sneezing... the second one held in. All very fake and extended. But funny none the less
XIV.Cure for the Common Chrome #2

Same as one above, but this one has sound! A male sneeze voice-over is added.
Need: Media Player

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