The Major Arcana:

The Computer Accessories

This is an internet page after all! Over time, I gather random computer things, and decided to group them all together on a new page here.

I.Allergy Season 800x600 Wallpaper ~tarotgal
II.The Common Cold 800x600 Wallpaper ~tarotgal
III.Male Sneezing 800x600 Wallpaper ~tarotgal
IV.Female Sneezing 800x600 Wallpaper ~tarotgal

I.Piggyanimated pig sneezing freely. Must be unzipped
II.Snowmananimated snowman sneezing into handkerchief. Must be unzipped

Sound Schemes
NEW Num TitleDescriptionAuthor
I.SickPC Sounds Sound package from copyrighted, so you must go through them. Package includes a female sneeze, cough, nose blow and a few others Ziff Davis Interactive

Buddy Icons
I.Sneezing AIM Buddy AOL Instant Messenger sneeze Bad Ass Buddy Icons

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