" tell me again Herc what's this festival thing about?" Iolaus said as they strolled along together in the sunshine. Actually Hercules strolled; Iolaus more sort of bounced along, his boundless energy making it difficult for him to keep still.
"I've told you Iolaus, it's called a Convention."
"Yuh, convention...okay...let me see if I've got this right. We've been invited, or more correctly you were invited and I was the this big town because there are lots of people there who want to see the son of Zeus am I right?" The compact warrior finished with just the merest hint of sarcasm.
"I guess that just about sums it up Iolaus." Said the demigod at his side.
"Well, what I don't understand is why we have to go there. I mean, its a real long way from home and it isn't as if there's anything useful we can do monsters or wolves to slay, no bandits or raiders." He thought for a moment then added, "Could be some pretty women there I guess." And he giggled a musical, infectious giggle that never failed to get Hercules smiling.
"There probably will be Iolaus, and I expect you'll manage to find them all!"
"What can I say Herc, I'm irresistible. Besides which they might have come all this way just to see me! " The blonde warrior said immodestly, laughing again. " Seriously Herc isn't there any way we could get out of this convention thing? I could really use some time fishing, we haven't had a holiday for ages and my body still aches after that last little adventure."
"Well you were the one who decided to attack the she-wolf on your own! If you'd waited a couple more hours for my arrival you wouldn't have got hurt." Hercules eyes darkened for a moment remembering the state he had found his friend in when he'd got to the cave. Iolaus had been told wait for Hercules before tracking down the creature but had hot-heatedly decided to tackle it by himself.
"Yeah, well I didn't exactly have a choice if you remember. Those children had been missing for some time. I couldn't risk waiting for reinforcements when they might have been hurt or killed." Iolaus was serious for a moment, trying to impress upon Hercules the reason for his foolhardy behaviour.
"I understand my friend, it's just could have been killed and I don't think I could stand to go through that again." His voice was thick with sentiment, something that the demigod didn't often reveal. In his mind he pictured the scene that had awaited him after making his way up the mountainside...
The cavern had been almost dark, lit only by the torch that Iolaus had carried, this now lay upon the ground close to the entrance of the cave, it's light spluttering and fizzling on the damp earth. Hercules had picked it up and, thrusting the brand in front of him, tentatively made his way further into the chamber.
The sight that greeted him further inside was carnage. The she-wolf was dead, her hide pierced with so many cuts that it was impossible to tell which wound had actually killed her, the dark grey fur was matted with masses of the sticky fluid that still dripped and pooled around the carcass. This was no ordinary wolf, she was three times the size of a normal one and her teeth were like gleaming daggers hanging from her half open mouth covered with what must have been Iolaus' blood. The head was bent back at an abnormal angle and Hercules realised that her neck was broken. The son of Zeus was less interested however in the wolverine that what was huddled on the ground near it.
By the side of the cold body lay Iolaus; his head propped against one furry leg, breath coming in ragged gasps and his face ashen against the purple of his vest. He too was a mass of bloody welts and cuts, the bite and claw marks livid against his tawny flesh. He was conscious, barely, and he even managed a faint smile when he heard the demigod approach. It had obviously been a very hard fight and the hunter would probably bear the scars for the rest of his life.
Hercules' heart hammered in his chest...panic almost rising to the surface as he briefly conjured up a nightmare picture of what life would be like without his friend.
The most surprising thing about the whole tableaux however were the children that clung to the fallen warriors legs. Two small girls, each about seven seasons old, snuggled up against the muscular form - they were asleep. Iolaus had one arm protectively placed around them - in the other his bloody sword, the hand grasped tightly around the hilt. Tear tracks were evident on the girl's faces and one clutched a tiny wooden doll the black horsehair streaming around the rough-hewn 'head'.
Although Iolaus didn't say anything it was clear to Hercules what had happened.
The children had sought shelter after getting lost in the woods and had come upon the cave. Iolaus set off to track the she-wolf after the children's distraught and hysterical mother pleaded for someone to do something as her babies hadn't come home. No one else in the village inclined to offer, only the blonde stranger with the dazzling blue eyes. He had left word with the innkeeper for Hercules and set off determinedly.
Iolaus stirred, trying to ease himself up to sitting position but the twin burden on his legs wouldn't let him go, both clutching their 'pillow' fiercely. Seeing the pain in Iolaus' face the demigod tried to gently pry the little fingers from the hunter's calf and thigh but only succeeded in making the sleepy children wake up. Two pairs of tiny eyes looked up into the face of the hero before them and they back away, frightened. Iolaus made soothing sounds and they scrambled up his body to nestle either side of the wounded man, their faces showing their fright at seeing the stranger.
"It's okay, I'm not here to harm you...I'm a friend okay?" The girls both looked up at Iolaus seeking confirmation. "He's Hercules. Remember? I told you about him." The hunter said weakly. As one they turned back to face the big man apparently accepting what Iolaus had told them but making no moves to leave the protection of his arms.
"They're just scared Herc. They'll come around." Iolaus said by way of explanation. He gasped as the pain coursed through his body and Hercules automatically went to put a hand of his friend's shoulder. "Iolaus I think we'd better take a look at you."
"No." gasped the golden hunter. "No Hercules it's important we must get them home...please."
"Can you get up?" It was a simple question but it took a few moments for Iolaus to reply and then he merely nodded.
Pain filled minutes later a bloody Iolaus was on his feet, the children - whose names were Bramcene and Caraleira - never left his side. They never uttered a word but walked hand in hand with the compact hunter matching his careful steps.
Hercules marvelled at his best friend. It never ceased to amaze the half-god the power that the mortal had over people and things. He was a craftsman, hunter, warrior, lover and hero and he made room in his heart for everyone. It was obvious that Iolaus was weak from shock and loss of blood but he still refused to let Hercules take the children.
When they finally reached the entrance to the cave Iolaus' legs buckled out from underneath him and he nearly pulled Bramcene and Caraleira with him.
"Uncle Iolaus, uncle Iolaus..." said the younger of the two. Bramcene had large brown eyes and long hair the colour of oak; her full rosy lips were pouting with worry. Caraleira was squeezing Iolaus' hand and shaking him in an effort to get him to stand. She too had brown hair but hers curled softly around her cherubic face and her eyes were a startling cerulean blue.
Hercules scooped up the two girls in his muscular arms and set them down away from the fallen man. "Now stay here a minute while I see to 'uncle' Iolaus." He said seriously, tapping one finger on their little noses. Again the girls nodded in unison.
"You are one Tartarus of a stubborn man my friend." Hercules said quietly as he strode over to the blonde. "Now will you PLEASE let me look at you?" It was more of an order than a question and Iolaus was too tired to complain. Reluctantly he complied and Hercules eyes roved over the hunter's form in an effort to assess the damage. It was then he noticed that Iolaus had pulled his right arm in close to his side and he looked at the blonde.
"Uh oh...I've been found out!" Iolaus managed to say with humour as the demigod moved to look under his arm. Hercules' couldn't believe what he saw when Iolaus allowed him to gently pull the sticky vest away from his side. Underneath lay a wound the size of a watermelon, the rough edges indicating it to be a bite and what a bite! All of the hunter's flesh had been ripped leaving him with a gaping, bloody mess, torn muscles visible and sinew too. He gritted his teeth as the wet material sucked at the rawness of his body.
"Oh Iolaus, my hard headed friend why didn't you say something?"
The blonde hunter inclined his head slightly toward where the children stood. "If it was you Herc would you have let on? They're just kids."
Hercules had to admit that he wouldn't. He took off his shirt and wadded it gently against the horrific injury to help staunch the flow of blood that had started to pour out at an alarming rate. "Here, keep this pressed as tightly as you can against it." Then seeing the concerned look in his friend's eyes he added "I'll get you back to the village, don't worry Iolaus."
But Iolaus was past worrying, his face contorted in a ricktus. All he cared about was getting the two girls back to their mother and the safety of their home. He looked past the demigod's large torso, winked then smiled at Caraleira and Bramcene and promptly passed out.
The memory of the pain was evident in his best friend's eyes and Hercules wished he had never brought up the subject.
"Iolaus, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned the she-wolf."
Iolaus' hand automatically went down to his right side where the creature had bitten him. Under his vest the scarring was all too evident, the newly formed skin showing pink and livid against the rest of his tanned body.
"It's okay Herc - I've felt worse pain than that. Besides which - it only really hurts when I laugh" he chuckled.
"Well my friend - if you really want to go back don't worry I'll go to the convention on my own. I've no doubt I can cope with the attentions of all the beautiful women by myself!" He said mischievously.
Iolaus pretended to think about that for a moment. "Hmmn...well, just in case there are any girls who are fanatical about sidekicks I'd better come along - after all you wouldn't be able to satisfy them!"
"Well, thank you Iolaus...I'm grateful for your support!" The demigod said slapping his friend heartily on the back, which made the smaller man choke and brought laughter tears to his eyes.
Tears welled up in the blonde warrior's eyes as he struggled to remain upright and retain his footing on the treacherous path that led down the mountainside to the village below. He had fallen three times already but refused Hercules' offer to support him, insisting that the demigod carry the children instead.
With each step his whole body shook with effort, the loss of blood, combined with numerous other, less serious, wounds, made him light-headed. He would have given anything just to lie down and close his eyes.
Hercules walked in front, deliberately slowing his pace so that Iolaus could keep up. The children were resting in Hercules' arms, their heads hanging over his broad, muscular shoulders; eyes firmly fixed on the progress of the wounded man. It was the view of those small, piercing orbs that kept Iolaus going. He knew that they were frightened and he wanted to reassure them that he was okay, therefore he had to stay conscious. He trudged on, each step an eternity of pain. His eyes locked on theirs.
If anyone had wanted to follow the little group they would have had no difficulty in tracking them for the trail of blood leading from the cavern was like a small stream...
Iolaus tried smiling at the girls but the effort was too much and he eventually settled into a repetitive and slow pace, hypnotised by Caraleira and Bramcene's innocent stares.
Over and over in his mind he though - "Must keep going...must keep going...must..."
The toe of his boot caught in a root and he fell again, this time to his knees, the shock of the movement to his wound drawing an unwitting scream from his thin lips.
Hercules turned hastily at the sound and saw Iolaus double over holding his bloody side.
"Iolaus...are you all right?" The son of Zeus inquired his voice full of concern.
"That's a daft question Herc. NO...I'm not okay but I will be...just...give me a moment to catch my breath." The hunter said bravely.
Hercules eased the girls to the ground and Bramcene immediately rushed forward in an attempt to help the hero rise to his feet. Caraleira held the demigod's hand tightly and stood looking down at the blonde, blue eyes meeting blue. Suddenly she wriggled out of Hercules grasp and bent to kiss Iolaus on the cheek.
"Hey Caraleira...what was that for?" Iolaus mumbled, attempting to sound as healthy and cheerful as possible.
She was crying again and her high-pitched voice was punctuated with sobs. "Fank you for saving us from the wolf Uncle Iolaus. Please...please don't die!"
"...Oh don't die on me Iolaus, it was just a joke..." The big man said heartily as he watched a still choking hunter.
The blonde tried to catch his breath, and finally succeeded in doing so with not a small amount of effort. "Not fair Herc" he spluttered dabbing at the salt water that lingered in the corner of his bright eyes. "Slapping me on the back in my delicate condition is NOT a good idea...AHA! Unless of course you ARE trying to kill me!" He exclaimed, "Yes...big guy...I see your plan now...kill the sidekick - get the girls. Well I have to tell you Mister Son of just won't work!"
It was Hercules turn to laugh now at such a crazy thought but nevertheless he'd play along. "You always were much too astute for me Iolaus. What can I say...guilty as charged? Now what would you have me do to make up?" He said in mock seriousness, his eyes downcast feigning guilt.
"Well, can start by doing the hunting tonight. I'm sick of rabbit though so you'll have to be inventive. And then there's always the stitching to be done of my other vest!" Iolaus grinned picturing Hercules sitting by a fire after serving him some luxurious meal then was too much.
"Iolaus...I don't even repair MINE!" Hercules seemed genuinely shocked at the idea.
"Yeah, well now's as good a time to start as any. Besides which I've heard Alcmene complain enough times that you don't look after your clothes."
Iolaus was on a winning streak, or so he thought until Hercules quickly leaned over him and grabbed his leather pack. Then with the swiftness of a god, proceeded to pull out the two spare vests Iolaus travelled with. One was patched so much that other repairs wouldn't be possible without first re-arranging the whole thing and the second was the garment Iolaus had been referring to, this one had great tears running down the back. For a moment it seemed to flutter in the wind like a battle-worn flag, blue sky clearly visible through the rents, then the demigod deftly stuffed both items back in the pack.
"Need I say more?" Hercules said and looked sternly at his friend as he handed a very sheepish Iolaus his baggage.
" I haven't a thing to wear to the convention! Hey Herc maybe we'll run into Salmoneus on the way and I can get one of those new short togas he's always trying to sell us. Maybe the blue one with the gold edging - whaddya think?"
"I think, Iolaus, that you've finally flipped, besides which do you really think you want to show you're legs to all those strange women?" Hercules laughed heartily and clasped an arm around Iolaus' shoulder as if in sympathy. Iolaus pulled away and looked up at his friend.
"Hey, not fair...I've got great legs."
Iolaus' legs were wobbling as Hercules helped him up. "That's it. I am not going to stand by and see you kill yourself for your pride."
The blonde was ashen beneath his tan and there were dark circles under his eyes, his breathing was shallow and one trouser leg was soaked in blood from the wound, the wadding that Hercules had given him totally ineffectual. With a quick apology to the children he turned his head and started to retch dryly. When he had finished he was shaking like a leaf with cold and weakness.
Hercules turned to the girls and spoke to them gently so they would understand him. He used the nicknames that Iolaus had christened them with. "Cara and Bram - Iolaus isn't going to die but we have to help him to get home, do you understand." Again the heads nodding in unison. "Good, now I want you to do something for me. I am going to have to carry Iolaus and I want you both to hold onto me as tightly as possible while we go back down. Can you do that?" Two earth-coloured manes nodded agreement vigorously. Not for the first time, Hercules was awed by the fact that these two, hardly out of their mother's arms, managed to find their way up the wooded mountainside on their own; then, at the courage they had shown when faced with the wolf. Still they had stayed with Iolaus until help had arrived.
"Good girls" he said and bent down to kiss them lightly on their heads before going over to his friend. Iolaus was hanging onto a convenient tree, swaying.
"I am NOT going to be carried Herc, you know I hate it!" The wounded man insisted. But Hercules was didn't care what Iolaus wanted.
"We'll make better time if you shut up and let me. We can't keep stopping whilst you pick yourself up, the children are getting cold." He threw that last in knowing it would make a difference to the hunter.
"Ooh you are cruel Hercules but as it happens, this time I agree with you...mmph." Iolaus fainted and the demigod's lightning reflexes ensured that he caught the blonde before he hit the ground. Hoisting him carefully to lie draped across his arms, Iolaus' head propped against the hero's shoulder he gestured for Bram and Cara to grab hold of this trousers and the sorry quartet resumed their journey.
After their brief, childish, interlude, the two heroes happily resumed their journey towards Aredi and the convention, thoughts of the previous month almost completely faded. As they got nearer to the city the traffic increased, farmers herding livestock, travellers on horseback, foot and by wagon, tourists by the cartload, all headed in the same general direction as the men.
With so many people around it was inevitable sooner or later that they would be recognised. Hails of "Hercules...our hero." or "Hercules, thank you for saving our village, we're forever in your debt!" or even "Hercules please kiss our baby and bless him!" This last one made Iolaus' eyebrows rise almost completely off his forehead.
"Kissing babies?" Was all he said.
Hercules shrugged his shoulders, mumbled a polite but firm apology to the lady in question and continued down the road to Aredi.
Once they were out of earshot Iolaus turned, walking backwards then made a face and crossed his hands under his chin, fluttering his eyelashes at Hercules becomingly. "Oh Hercules... pleeeeassse, kiss my baby great Hercules it would mean sooo much to my husband and I!" It was a mean impersonation; he even got the high-pitched voice right.
The son of Zeus couldn't resist cuffing the blonde hunter around the ear. Iolaus laughed so hard he doubled over, guffawing.
Hercules wagged a finger at his friend "Yes, may find it funny Iolaus but when it's your turn you'll think twice before laughing!" Although he was also carried away on the moment because of his friend's uncanny impersonation.
"Oh, ah, sure Herc." Iolaus said, biting his cheek "I'm er...likely to get overwhelmed with people wanting me to kiss their babies. Sometimes I find it so hard to get away from all this hero worship stuff." He chuckled.
But Hercules was thinking back to the last couple of weeks when he had brought Iolaus and the children back down to their village. If the hunter hadn't been a hero to them then, he didn't know what the meaning of the word was.
A bone weary Hercules trudged into the village just before dusk, the children clutching at the leather strips on his trousers. Bram held her doll in her arm in exactly the same way the demigod carried the unconscious Iolaus, every now and then she told her doll that everything would be all right and bent down to kiss it.
Someone came out into the muddy street with a torch and after seeing the little party shouted out "They're back...the children are back!"
It didn't take long for a crowd to appear and, pushing herself to the front, was the children's mother, she was crying and laughing at one and the same time. Quickly dabbing at her eyes with her apron, she ran to her children. They released their grip on the half-god and launched themselves into their mother's arms. She closed her eyes and offered up a silent prayer to Zeus for their safe return then, looking up, she noticed the man before her and burden he was carrying.
"Oh my, that's the warrior that went to find my babies. What happened to him?"
Hercules hefted his friend slightly, releasing the tension on his cramping muscles and loudly asked the crowd in general "Is there a healer here - my friend has been badly hurt?" Nothing. No one came forward so again he said, "Please, I beg you, if there is anyone here that knows healing my friend is dying."
That got a reaction, a small, scrawny man of middle age found his way through the throng and came up to the tired Hercules. "I know a little of medicines and herbs." He said looking from the demigod to Iolaus' death mask of a face. "But my knowledge is limited. There is a woman who comes here periodically who acts as a midwife and healer but she won't be due here for a while yet so I will help you. My humble home is too small, you'd better find somewhere for him."
Caraleira and Bramcene's mother Leara, offered to accommodate both men and Hercules gratefully followed her, jostled by a crowd eager to get a look at the injured hero. Once he turned and snapped at them when someone accidentally knocked Iolaus' head and he moaned in pain.
The children were excited, seeing this all as a huge adventure. They were tired, cold and hungry but otherwise none the worse for wear. It was miraculous how they could bounce back from things that would lay an adult out with shock. They chatted and chirped and talked of Iolaus non-stop. How he had run in to help them when they screamed, how he'd got 'bit' and how he wrestled and finally killed the bad wolf.
Leara finally managed to get them settled in their bed together, curled around each other, the doll between them. Cara's thumb tightly between her lips, her index finger just touching the top of her nose. Warm and snug.
Once she had done this a happy mother went to check on her houseguests. Hercules had brought Iolaus in and laid him gently on the bed that Leara indicated. He knew it must be her own pallet and felt a slight pang of guilt knowing that it would soon be soiled with the injured man's blood.
The little man returned from his home clutching an armful of bandages, herbs and bottles. "Oh, by the way young man, what's your name and that of your friend? " He inquired nodding in Iolaus' direction.
"I'm Hercules, and this is Iolaus." Said Hercules waiting for the expected reaction, but surprisingly it didn't come.
"I'm Canicles and the lady whose house you are invading is Leara. Now, let's get him seen to."
Canicles manner was a little off-hand and Hercules was concerned at first that he had delivered Iolaus up for some rough treatment. He needn't have worried however as Canicles proceeded to strip Iolaus' clothes off with the gentleness of a nurse, not worrying about the decorum of having a woman standing looking on. He tutted and fussed when he saw the state of Iolaus' fine body. The bruises and cuts were evident now that Hercules could see his flesh. All three pairs of eyes were drawn however to the large wound in the hunter's side.
"Oh my goodness. I haven't seen anything like this since a Harpie caught one of the farm boys oh, must be nigh on ten years ago now. Nasty." His long, curved fingers probed the bloody flesh around the wound gauging the extent of the damage.
Hercules wanted to scream. He needed something done now and couldn't stand the wait. His big hands knotted with temper.
"Leara, hot water and plenty of it, then I need you to boil some thread, lots of that too." He turned to the demigod, who was well over a head taller than the scrawny man, and noted his hands.
"Relax son, I'll have him stitched up in no time. Just how did he get himself into this fix anyway?" He inquired. It was a calculated question, designed to get Hercules' mind off the tension and onto something he could talk about.
The son of Zeus told him all that he knew and the recounting was punctuated by oohs, aahs and reallys from the healer. When he had finished he noticed that Iolaus was looking a lot cleaner. Canicles had bathed off most of the old blood and was now concentrating his attention on sewing up the offending wound. He couldn't risk giving Iolaus a narcotic to ease the pain because of his weakness so he asked Hercules to tie Iolaus to the bed so he wouldn't move if he awoke suddenly.
The hero hated seeing his best friend lying there, helpless and fought the bile that rose to his throat as he heard Iolaus cry out with the pain of stitching through the torn flesh. At one point Iolaus shot up, the cords on his neck tightening almost to bursting point as Canicles struggled to keep him from ripping himself open again. Amazingly the hunter seemed to have some idea where he was and the only sounds that issued from his lips were crys, not the screams that Hercules was sure he would like to have brought forth - and he was equally sure it was because of the children.
Hercules paced back and forth until the floor was in danger of wearing thin.
Leara brought him a mug of mead and when the big man refused she pleaded with him to drink it knowing that he cared more about what was happening on the bed than to the state of his own body.
"Just look at the state of your body!" Hercules was teasing his friend again. "How can you get away with not exercising, and all that food you eat."
"Hey, hey, what is this Herc; 'pick on Iolaus week'? What do you mean 'the state of my body'?" He said looking down quizzically at his muscular form.
"Well Iolaus my friend, you obviously can't see the thickening round the middle that I can." Hercules was loving this; he had promised himself he would tease Iolaus constantly on their way to Aredi. It was his way of trying to ease the tension that had built up over the past weeks and it was proving to be too much fun to stop. Sure he felt just the teansiest bit guilty about it but he was sure Iolaus wouldn't mind.
"Now you've done it. Let's see who's the fittest of the two of us. After all I've beaten you before." When Hercules started to object Iolaus continued "Come on now as far as I'm concerned Herc you issued a challenge when you insulted my body and I'm here to make good. So come on, put up your dukes."
"Put up my what Iolaus?" Hercules looked baffled.
"Dukes,'s an expression I heard somewhere...means fists or something like that. Anyway, stop distracting me and get on with it." The hunter raised his fists in a mock boxing style and started to dance lightly around the hero.
Hercules was laughing so hard he didn't see the fist until it was too late.
"Ouch! Iolaus that hurt! " Hercules exclaimed bringing two fingers up to touch his rapidly fattening lip. " You drew blood!" he said incredulously staring at a tiny drop of scarlet liquid.
"Yeah, well maybe you'll show me a little respect now. Come on big guy I haven't finished with you yet." Iolaus took on his martial arts stance, arms up, knees bent, and hands rigid - ready to fight. "Hiyeeeeee!"
The son of Zeus held up his hands in mock surrender and shook his head.
"No, no...I take it all're in great shape...for a little guy." Herc laughed.
"Oohh, that was beneath you my friend - you'll pay for that one." And when the demigod still showed reluctance to fight he added, "Are you mouse or man?"
That got to Hercules and he turned to Iolaus ready to meet the challenge "Okay, okay Iolaus. If you want to play rough - just avoid the face, there are too many women who'll want to kiss it when we get there." Without further warning he rushed the blonde hunter.
Who casually side stepped and brought his leg out to trip the demigod up. Hercules lurched forward with the force of an elm being felled, straight into a large puddle of water. Hercules lifted himself up on his arms with as much dignity as he could muster under the circumstances and turned to face Iolaus.
"Ha ha haaaaaaahhaaa..." The hunter giggled looking at the drops of wet mud clinging to the handsome face. When he finally managed to get himself under control he smooched and added, "They'll be lining up to kiss ya now Herc!"
Hercules lost his control then and grabbed Iolaus by the vest lifting him high up above his head until Iolaus' legs were kicking and he was staring nose to nose with the blonde.
"Hey, hey...put me DOWN!"
"No deserve this." Hercules said as he manhandled the compact warrior over to the puddle. Without ceremony he turned the still struggling hunter over and dunked his head first into the murky water.
"Eeeccchsplurrfff!" Was Iolaus' only comment.
After a second or two Hercules put his friend back on the ground and dusted his hands off. He then stood hands on hips, looking at Iolaus' equally muddy face.
"Draw?" They both said together.
A family had been walking behind the two men as they acted out the scene and the youngest child pointed at the grown-ups as they passed them by only to be hurriedly ushered away by the gruff looking father mumbling something about "Not safe on the road in broad daylight nowadays!"
The two men looked back at the hurrying family then, clasping an arm around each other's shoulders continued on their way.
Hercules sat behind Iolaus supporting his shoulders as he tried to make the hunter sit up enough to sip some of the medicine that Canicles had prepared. Although conscious Iolaus was feverish and his upper body was hot against Hercules chest. The wound had been dressed with poultices, which still steamed in the lower temperature of the damp room. Leara had built up the fire with wood that Hercules had collected and they had moved the pallet near enough for Iolaus to get the full benefit of the heat.
After making Iolaus comfortable Canicles left to return to his own family insisting there was very little more he could do. The problem he said was internal. He didn't know how much damage had been done to the hunter's organs and, as he wasn't qualified to know, all he could do was pray to the gods that there was no internal bleeding. Hercules had seen men on battlefields with bleeders before, their limbs amputated by the sword, unable to stop their lifeblood from escaping. He shuddered at the thought and added his prayers to those of the villager.
Leara had offered to look after Iolaus herself but she could sense that the man was important to the demigod so she didn't question further when he refused her offer. She merely reiterated her thanks for the lives of her two children and agreed to take over when Hercules needed a break.
The bigger man looked down at the fair head of his friend, the hair damp with sweat. Iolaus looked up and met his gaze with quizzical glazed eyes. "Herc...what are you looking at?"
"You my friend...just looking at you."
Iolaus snorted a little "Well stop's making my eyes go fuzzy!" He closed his eyes as if to reinforce his statement.
"I'm not the one who's making your eyes funny Iolaus, it's a combination of your fever and that foul medicine Canicles gave you." He brushed a stray lock from the sick man's forehead.
"Yeah, well if that's the reason how come I can see two of you...even with my eyes shut?"
Hercules laughed quietly.
"Then rest Iolaus...get some sleep. I think you're going to need it." He eased himself out from under the blonde and gently placed his head back on the straw pillow.
"Mmm...I think you're right..." Iolaus was asleep in seconds.
The night passed quickly and despite his fever Iolaus slept through most of it without too much trouble, the still of the air punctuated only by the occasional mumblings of the sick man. When morning came however he was shivering uncontrollably.
Hercules had fallen asleep curled up on the makeshift bed that Leara had fixed for him in the same room. The small cottage only had three rooms, the common area and two bedchambers, one of which belonged to the children and this was where Leara had spent the night.
With no one watching over him Iolaus decided to get out of bed to relieve himself. The effort of swinging his legs over the edge of the pallet was enough to exhaust him but he persevered wrapping the light blanket around his midriff as he went. He normally wouldn't have cared but he was mindful of whose home he was in. Carefully tucking one end of the cloth in the temporary waistband Iolaus tiptoed around the sleeping form of his friend to reach the door to the outside. His hand slipped on the handle twice before he managed to grip the thing and open the door, the blast of cold air making his teeth chatter. The morning air was crisp and refreshing and Iolaus wished he felt well enough to enjoy it. His side was throbbing mercilessly, the rough bandage moist with blood. He was able to complete his task and was returning to his bed when one of the villagers caught sight of him and rushed over.
"You're the man who rescued Leara's children aren't you?" The elderly woman said glancing up and down at the half-naked man. Iolaus nodded, too cold to do anything else. "I want to thank did a great thing, especially when the cowards here wouldn't lift a finger out of fear." She turned to another woman who was coming out of her own cottage clutching a woven basket full of laundry. "Drelina...look who it's that young man that killed the monster!" The other woman placed her basket on the ground and came up to her friend; her eyes open wide with awe.
Iolaus didn't want to appear rude but he wasn't well enough for this kind of attention. "Ladies, please...I can't stop...I must..."
"Nonsense." Said Drelina "We don't mind do we Ethlin?"
"Not at all dear...we don't get many heroes around here."
Both women seemed completely oblivious to Iolaus' state of undress and his shivering. He had soon drawn a crowd however and it was proving impossible for him to escape...
As they entered Aredi the two men began to draw a crowd...
At first Iolaus took no notice, after all the great Hercules was here for a convention and he kinda got used to people ogling his best friend, but after a while he started wondering why people were whispering to each other and staring at HIM. Wasn't the mud...they'd managed to get most of that off in a stream on the way here, wasn't his clothes as far as he could tell...unless...nah...he checked his codpiece. 'Phew,' Iolaus thought, 'thank Zeus for small mercies! He even surreptitiously checked his armpits, well in HAD been a long time since their last proper bath.
"Er...Herc, have you noticed people acting a little strangely towards us?" He said quietly to the tall man beside him.
"You're imagining things Iolaus." Hercules answered.
"No, no...there's definitely something up. Take a look at me." Hercules turned to the blonde hunter and put his head on one side appraisingly "No. Take a real good look at me Herc." He turned around for inspection.
"And just what am I supposed to be looking for Iolaus?" Hercules said patiently.
"I dunno. I just know everyone is staring at me. Do I look odd to you?"
Hercules paused meaningfully before answering.
"Iolaus, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you that a good bath and a decent meal wouldn't rectify, now stop fussing will you. We'll check into the inn and kill two quail with one stone."
"Huh, more cliches!" Iolaus exclaimed still examining himself all over for signs of trouble. "Hey, look...over there...someone's pointing at me!" He tapped Hercules on the arm and gestured in the direction of two innocent looking women who, having caught the handsome warrior's gaze turned away shyly.
"Iolaus what's with you. There's no one pointing. You're paranoid my friend. Now can we just keep moving?" The demigod was exasperated and pushed Iolaus in front.
"Do you have any idea where the inn is Herc?" Iolaus stopped again.
Hercules hands went to his hips, a sure sign he was displeased. "Yes Iolaus, I double-checked the scroll before we set off. It's called Marriotti's, he's Roman. Unusual to have a hostelry here don't you think? Anyway we'd better ask for directions."
Hercules unabashedly went up to the two women that Iolaus thought had been pointing at him. Iolaus stood behind the son of Zeus, partially hidden but keeping one close eye on the two suspect females. Unaware of his friend's strange behaviour, Hercules politely asked for the way to Marriotti's and was told it wasn't far from where they were. The hero thanked them and turned to see his friend peeking round him at the women like a frightened rabbit.
"Are you going to act like this the whole time we're here? Iolaus... Iolaus are you listening to me?"
The blonde snapped out of it, he'd been transfixed on the odd women. "Huh...oh I was just...well...checking. You know how it is Herc?"
"No Iolaus...I have no idea how it is."
"Yeah, wasn't what you thought it was, okay."
"You are making absolutely no sense today Iolaus. You must be more tired than I thought."
Milling their way through the crowded city streets Iolaus still couldn't shake the feeling that there were eyes everywhere, watching his every move. He suppressed a gave him the creeps. One or two children came up to Hercules and tugged at his trousers. The half-god looked down at them and smiled, he even picked up one of the smaller ones and carried him for a while, his mother walking slowly beside them evidently overjoyed at the impromptu attention her child was getting from the hero. Citizens came out of their shops; people stopped hanging out washing and waved at the two as they passed by. Little by little Iolaus started enjoying himself. He had been shy at first but now something in him began to change and he smiled back, even waving enthusiastically at one (particularly beautiful) girl who blew him a kiss. By the time they reached Marriotti's establishment he was relaxing - a little!
The landlord came out to greet them personally, word having raced ahead of them. He shook Hercules warmly by the hand and exclaimed "You honoura me witha youra presence sir!" before turning his attention to the blonde hunter. "Anda theis musta be Iolaus!" He said with a cheerful grin. "I ama so pleased to meeta you." The portly Marriotti grabbed Iolaus' hand, sandwiched it beneath two of his own flabby ones and pumped Iolaus' arm until expediency (and pain!) made the compact warrior pull free of the man's commendably tight grip. Iolaus wasn't to be let off so lightly though as the man then proceeded to wrap the surprised hunter in his thick arms and kiss him...ON BOTH CHEEKS!
Hercules just stood there with the biggest grin on his face - watching his friend's obvious discomfort. Iolaus wrestled free of the lardy body and straightened his vest.
Herc noticed that the smaller man's cheeks had flushed with embarrassment. "Italians!" Was all he said quietly in his friend's ear as if it explained everything.
The large landlord stepped aside and indicated for them to enter.
"Come, come inside dear friends aplease. I havea nicea baths waitin for you anda my best rooms. Yours has a da beautiful view over da river." He said to Iolaus, who was still in shock.
Hercules managed to disguise his laughter by coughing into his hand. would have been rude to laugh outright he thought.
Some while later a nervous Iolaus crept down the corridor and knocked at Hercules' door.
"Herc. Hey...Herc... Can I come in?" He knocked again, slightly louder this time.
"Just a minute." Hercules opened the door, he had been bathing and was wrapped in nothing but a large towel, his shoulder-length wet hair dripping in rivulets onto his broad chest, his feet bare. "What's the matter now Iolaus?" He said as he looked at the equally clean man before him, although Iolaus' eyes were distinctly red-rimmed.
" gotta help me!" Iolaus sneezed.
"Bless you." Hercules said neatly missing the fine spray.
Iolaus sniffed "Thanks...but seriously Herc I can't cope...aaahtttchoo."
"Bless you again Iolaus." The demigod thought his friend must have caught a cold somewhere on the road and silently dreaded going through having to nurse the hunter again.
Iolaus was more than catching cold standing virtually undressed in the middle of the road, the goosebumps visible on his tawny flesh. He tried to extricate himself from the pressing mass of people who had materialised out of thin air to surround him, his head whirling with feverishness. He couldn't breathe, they bumped against him, jostled and pushed. Throwing a constant stream of idiotic questions at him. One child even came up and poked him with a little finger right where his bruised and throbbing wound had been carefully pulled together. He stifled a scream and tried to pull away from the careless boy.
He need to get away...why had he been so foolish as to venture out on his own. Where was Hercules when he needed him? Part of him felt stupid; the other part didn't know what to think his mind was so fogged with pain. They clapped and congratulated and touched and prodded him, like some piece of art in a Grecian temple. Didn't they see he was sick? Couldn't they leave him alone?
"Three cheers for Iolaus!" Shouted one of the more effusive villagers.
Iolaus pushed his hands against his ears as a "Hip Hip Hooray!" pierced his aching head. He was swaying violently as they lifted him, blanket and all, high above their shoulders to carry him down the streets. It was all he could do to avoid being sick over their heads.
Luckily a small figure that Iolaus recognised scrabbled its way through the gathering. "LET HIM DOWN!" Shouted Canicles above the noise but to no avail.
"STOP, STOP...can't you see he's injured? Foolish, foolish people, do you want to kill the man?" He couldn't get a response, so carried away were they with their hero worship. Canicles knew one man who would be able to stop them before Iolaus died in their arms - Hercules.
He ran back into Leara's house and roused the sleeping demigod. "Come quickly, your friend..." Hercules was up like a bolt of lightning and shot out into the street before Canicles could explain. He saw a tousled gold mane above a sea of coloured garments as they whisked the hunter up the road, cheering and laughing. Iolaus looked for all like some beautiful sacrifice being taken to an altar.
Hercules ran quickly after them pushing people aside roughly to get to his friend. When he was alongside the men that held Iolaus he looked up at his friend's face, his head lolling to one side, the mouth set against absolute agony. Hercules held out his arms and brought the procession to a halt.
"ENOUGH!" He bellowed so loudly that even the stragglers at the back heard him. "Just what do you think you are doing?" Said an angry Hercules.
"We just wanted to celebrate...he's a hero!" Pointed out one of the hunter bearers.
"Well if you're so grateful to him why don't you take a look at what you're carrying and see if Iolaus is enjoying himself!" Hercules was furious that these idiots had not only brought this upon his friend by refusing to go after the she-wolf themselves but were now compounding their ignorance by half killing him.
The bearers looked at each other and carefully brought their burden down to street level. Iolaus immediately sagged to the ground; the cloth around his waist was sodden with crimson where the stitches had started to pull apart. His body cramped painfully against the cold and his eyes were rimmed with dark circles.
"Oh Gods!" Said one of the onlookers. "He really is sick."
"YES YOU FOOLS!" Hercules spat at them. "Didn't any of you think before you did this? Are you so blind that you couldn't see a man in pain? Or did you think only of your blessed relief at having someone else, an outsider, suffer to save your village? None of you cowards offered to help Iolaus when he went up that mountain to save your hides. You're pathetic." He finally finished ranting; the biceps in his muscular arm tensing as if he wanted to punch someone.
Hercules had never, in his entire life, felt so angry with a group of people. He had something of a reputation for delivering speeches but as soon as he had completed his sermon he felt disgusted with himself, after all, he thought, they were only trying to show the hero their appreciation, weren't they? Maybe he was being too hard on them but as he heard his friend coughing he knew he hadn't, they deserved every harsh word.
Canicles was kneeling beside Iolaus who was now lying full length on the ground. "You'd better get him back in doors Hercules. I think he's heading for a dose of pneumonia." Hercules lifted his friend with ease and headed back to the cottage. When he got there Leara was standing in the doorway, Cara and Bram either side of her; she appeared worried as the demigod stormed past her into the bedchamber.
"Why is Uncle Iolaus still sick mommy?" Said Bramcene her eyes filling with tears as she looked up at her parent. "Cousin Canicles promised he'd make him all better like he did Xena!"
"Oh sweetheart, Xena is just a dolly but Iolaus won't be sick for long, you'll see, cousin Canicles will make him all better and then he may even be able to play with you both." She bent down and clutched them fiercely, her long dark hair flowing around their heads, knowing that if it hadn't been for the brave man who was resting on her own bed she wouldn't have the warmth of their bodies next to her. She couldn't stand to lose them as well as her husband; they were all she had left.
Part of her wondered secretly what it would be like to have the handsome warrior there all the time. The children obviously adored him, even though he had hardly been awake since Hercules brought him there. And then there was his face, such a kind and open face with impossibly blue eyes. She sighed, knowing that it wouldn't be right. Although she never set much store in legends she had heard about these two men and she wouldn't deprive the world of two of its heroes.
She would content herself therefore with memories.
Hercules pushed aside the memories as he followed the still sneezing Iolaus back to his room. When he opened the door he was greeted with the sights and smells of at least a hundred bunches of flowers!
There were bouquets of lavender and rosemary, single blooms, bunches of wild flowers, lilies, herbs, orange blossom and even the odd weed or two, all laid lovingly around the hunter's room. The smell was overwhelming, the perfumes mixing into a heady and intoxicating brew - that is unless you happened to be allergic to the blessed things.
Iolaus stood in the doorway reluctant to enter, his fingers pinching his nostrils tightly against the onslaught of the next sneeze.
"Hercules you have got to get rid of...Aa aah aaah...tchoo - those...things!"
The demigod blew "Wow-er-bless you by the way. They're...uh...strong smelling aren't they! But why didn't you open the shutters to let out some of the fragrance?" He looked at Iolaus whose eyes had started to turn red and swell - was it his imagination or was the warrior's face slightly puffy?
"Duh, of course I tried Herc but take a look outside. I can't touch them and I couldn't get any fresh air in either!"
Hercules strode across the room to the small window "Don't be ridiculous Iolaus all you have to do is..." He opened the slatted shutters and saw - eyes - peering back at him - lots of them. He smiled, gawped stupidly, shut the windows quickly and turned to his friend, pointing back at the sight over his shoulder.
"Iolaus there are..."
"...Masses of people out there. Yes Herc I know, that's what I was trying to tell you. I couldn't exactly bathe in front of them could I?"
"But what are they doing there? I didn't notice anyone outside my window!"
"Yeah, well I've got enough for both of us! I don't know why they're there, all I know is I came into the room, saw this lot and started sneezing. I was desperate for a bath before the water got cold so I tried to get the - 'vegetation' out and saw those people there, staring back at me grinning! Maybe they think it's your room."
"No...I don't think so Iolaus, after all it is Marriotti's 'room with a view' - if you look really carefully you can just about see the river meandering round the other side of the hill...besides which didn't you notice the banner?"
"Banner? What banner?" The hunter was genuinely perplexed. All this stuff was driving him crazy.
"The one with your name on it." Hercules said seriously.
"Nah, couldn't be my name, musta got us mixed up somewhere down the line. Aaa-aaah tchoo."
"Take it easy my friend you'll get a nose bleed. If you don't believe me about the banner why don't you take another look?"
Iolaus' curiosity was peaked and holding his breath he traversed the space to the window. He opened it very carefully, the crowd cheered, he shut it, they stopped - he opened it again, they started all over and this time he quickly examined the sight before him through his sore eyes. Sure enough there at the back of the throng was a large parchment covered in writing which said:
In huge lettering and underneath it a strange symbol shaped like joined m and v with an arrow through the middle followed by more words that he couldn't quite make out because of the number of heads in the way. Suddenly from the centre of the crowd a missile was launched at him, it hit the confused man square in the face...he looked down at the fallen item in his hand. It was a it was an item of ladies' apparel that he had seen on plenty of occasions but usually under slightly less - public - circumstances. His mouth went dry, his palms started sweating. The shutters were closed again VERY FAST.
"Herc!" He squeaked grabbing the frilly thing and stuffing it behind a particularly ugly bunch of yellow Hamamelis. "Will you pleeeease tell me what's going on!"
"Canicles will you please speak to me!" The demigod was standing by Iolaus' beside, his arms wrapped around his own body in a subconscious effort to comfort himself. The balding man had one ear to the sleeping hunter's chest and was listening intently. He put a finger to his lips indicating for Hercules to be quiet as he continued his task, all the time watching the rise and fall of the blonde's chest.
"Hmmn...Just as I thought." He mumbled to himself as he lifted his head and rubbed his chin.
"What? What do you think?"
"Oh yes, well he definitely has a touch of it. His lungs are starting to wheeze like dry autumn leaves." He pointed animatedly at the wound on Iolaus' side indicating the fresh stitching. "These should last now; unless of course the young fool decides to go gallivanting around the village again. Thankfully the poultices have drawn out much of the infection although it's still a nasty colour, interesting that - I don't think I've ever seen a wound turn quite that shade before.
Ah, now, come to think of it I did hear tell that a body was found down by the lake not that long ago that showed similar signs of yellow necrosis around the wounds...this is most interesting! I'll have to tell Fadoulla when she returns on her rounds."
Hercules was getting more and more exasperated with Canicles' cryptic language, he decided to his try one more time before he resorted to violence. "Could you PLEASE tell me in plain Greek just what's wrong with Iolaus?"
The skinny man continued to poke and probe at Iolaus' wound as he answered the irritated demigod. "That...well, let me see now. He's got pneumonia, no question. It was the stress you see, on top of a wicked little virus. I'll go and prepare some expectorant and another poultice - you'd have to apply that to his chest, right about here." Canicles said indicating the lung area. "Beyond that the normal sorts of things, rest and fluids. Thankfully he's extremely fit. Yes I think he'll be back to normal in no time!" He said cheerfully as he departed the cottage.
The demigod wasn't reassured. The hunter's face was pale and clammy and he'd only just quieted down from a coughing fit that pulled the mesh of new fibres taught across his wound. In the absence of a better solution Hercules reluctantly had to trust the healer to do his best.
Leara could be heard reading a story to Caraleira and Bramcene in the common room and their voices rose in laughter as she changed accents to suit the character she was portraying. Hercules was painfully reminded of the times that Daenaira would sit in bed with their children reading rhymes from their favourite nursery scrolls or singing lullabies as they fell off to sleep. She had such a beautiful voice.
Hercules blinked away the thoughts and tiredly ran a hand over his face. He couldn't afford the luxury of the memories. His family was safe and happy in the Elysian fields and he knew that Daenaira would forgive him for tucking their memories away considering the circumstances.
He drew up an old chair and, turning it the wrong way, positioned it at the end of the pallet and straddled it. Then he began to stare at his best friend's face as he slept, soaking in every line; absorbing each detail so it would remain locked in his memory forever. The demigod would lie awake sometimes in the middle of the night desperately striving to recall the faces of his wife and children - hour upon hour conjuring up images of them, sometimes the pictures never came and he cried fearing they were lost to him.
He wouldn't let that happen to Iolaus, no matter what.
Gradually Hercules' eyelids became heavy and he rested his head briefly on his thick arms. He never intended to fall asleep and jumped therefore when the spindly fingers shook him to wakefulness. It was Canicles.
Canicles returned hastily with more medicine and poultices. The healer had expected to call in some favours in order to obtain the herbs he needed but amazingly no one asked for payment. Iolaus was a hero.
"You should be in bed yourself my boy." He said to the demigod in a fatherly tone. "You might be the son of Zeus but even the Gods themselves eat and sleep."
Hercules started to protest but Canicles hushed him up saying, "I refuse to take no for an answer. The great Hercules may be able to pull birthright on others but I'm not impressed. I'll get Leara. We'll look after Iolaus for you, now go and get your head down for a while."
"Only if you promise to call me if he awakens."
"Yes, yes I promise now go on."
Leara and Canicles bathed the hunter's sweat-soaked body and administered to him. After ensuring that the embers didn't die on the fire Leara took up position at the foot of the bed that Hercules had vacated. She too stared at the man before her, now heaped with blankets - and came to realise that she truly cared what happened to him.
Glancing back and forth between his handsome face and that of the half-god she wondered if all the stories she had heard were true. Of battles with monsters and giants, Hydras and She-Demons: were they just myths told by bards to children and drinkers in taverns willing to spend a dinar to hear them? Or were they true? Leara wasn't clever enough to know, but she believed in the Gods and she sensed the goodness in Hercules and had seen his love for his friend. What she also knew to be true was that Iolaus, who possessed neither the strength of Hercules, nor the power of the Olympians had risked his life for strangers - her children. That was enough for her.
Whatever these two men wanted they could have. If the world owed them a fraction of what she did, then they were rich indeed. She suspected too that the world's debt would never be repaid, particularly in the mortals' case - how many would build shrines to the noble Iolaus who accompanied the son of Zeus on his labours?
She wanted to make some small recompense for what he had done for her and for others and as she sat there, listening to his laboured breathing, the germ of an idea began to take shape.
Iolaus' compact and muscular shape was silhouetted against the slatted shutters, the sunlight squeezing past him to make patterns on the wooden floor. From what Hercules could tell his friend was still a little shaken by the 'object' that had just been lobbed at him. The demigod had barely glimpsed the item in question before Iolaus hid it from him. He made a mental note to have a search later.
It was time to come clean, almost.
"Okay Iolaus, you're right, I guess I should have told you earlier. First of all I want you to know that I had very little to do with this and, secondly, I did not know that there would be so many - er - people out there!"
"What are you talking about Hercules?" Iolaus said, emphasising Hercules' full name to let the demigod know he was suspicious of what was about to come next. "Are you trying to tell me that you KNEW about all this?"
"Well, not exactly, you see it goes back to when you were ill." Hercules felt awkward now. The idea had seemed such a good one at the time but he had expressed reservations that he could even get Iolaus to go to Aredi with him. As for staying once he found out why he was there, well the demigod had an even harder time convincing himself that Iolaus wouldn't just turn around and go back to Thebes.
"Come on Herc spit it out. Aaatch-tchoo. Oh my nose! Do you or do you not, know what's going on in this weird city? I have never seen so many people behaving oddly as I have today, complete strangers staring at me and pointing, banners with my name on and some strange hieroglyphics (that could be saying anything from fresh chickens two dinars a pound - to kill the little guy who rides with the son of Zeus!!) And then there's Marriotti and this room and these stinking flowers which, by the way if you haven't noticed I'm allergic to!
I am not going out there until I find out if it's safe or not! After all you didn't tell be about Nemesis until she became mortal and I could see her. Scared the living daylights out of me when I found out she was the hit-woman of the Gods (as beautiful as she is!). If you don't tell me I'm gonna walk out of here and go home - er...the back way!"
And if I do tell you, thought Hercules, you'll probably do just that anyway.
He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "You win Iolaus. Sit down and I'll explain."
The Hunter laughed. "Now I'm even more worried. You never ask me to sit down to listen to you unless it's really serious." Iolaus eased himself stiffly onto the pallet secretly glad that he could take the weight off his feet. His side had been aching all morning and he didn't really want to let his friend know of his discomfort. "Right then big guy, what gives?"
The handsome demigod paced across the stretch of floor in front of the bed wringing his hands. Once or twice he started gesticulating prepared to speak then stopped, formulating the words in his mind.
"Right well, you see it's like on." He stopped again, thinking.
Iolaus raised his eyebrows in exasperation "How difficult can it be?"
"Yeah, you're right. Well you know the invitation I received, er - we received?" Iolaus nodded not willing to speak lest he stop the half-god's train of thought. "Well I kinda knew it was coming."
"You what? How could you have known that a messenger would bring you the scroll? Herc have you inherited some other powers from your father? You weren't struck by lighting were you?"
"No, no you don't see I ah...sent it myself."
Iolaus' face said it all. He'd heard of lonely people sending themselves love scrolls before but never an invitation to a Convention, or whatever this trip was turning out to be.
"You sent it yourself."
"Herc I still don't understand what you're talking about. Call me thick but I've lost the plot. You said before it stemmed back to my being wounded."
"It does. Okay, okay let me start over. The Convention tomorrow. You think it's in my honour right?"
Iolaus shrugged "Yeah, well naturally it's in your honour - after all no ones' going to do something like this just for me are they?" He looked puzzled as Hercules smiled.
"No Herc oh...wait...please don't tell me that this is all for me!"
Hercules smile got bigger.
One day and another night had passed with little change in Iolaus' condition. He had been out cold for hours, ever since they brought him in from the street, even the persistent coughing fits hadn't pushed him through the barrier to consciousness. Although he didn't show it, Hercules was secretly terrified for the hunter, his stomach knotting every time he thought about the possibility of losing his only true friend.
Every so often Canicles returned to check on his now famous patient. The first time a crowd of villagers blocked the path to Leara's door, questioning the healer, desperate to hear the progress on the man's condition to pass to neighbours and friends. He told them little, angrily insisting that the relapse was thanks to their unthinking actions. "If Fadoulla were here she'd have your hides! You should all be ashamed. You're a bunch of cowards who would let another man do your work. I've got no time for any of you." He had said as he pushed past the mob and went inside.
Unaware of any of this, Iolaus was dreaming. His last conscious thoughts, before drifting into a troubled and unhealthy sleep, were those of being paraded through the town virtually naked, just the simple woven blanket tucked around his waist barely affording him any warmth. His scarred and aching body glistened with chilled sweat, the salt from which seeped into his wounds making them sting even as the stitching started to tear. Of people pressing round him, cheering and shouting...and of pain.
That was then, so what was happening now - after Hercules had carried him back to his temporary 'home'? He could only follow where the images took him.
The dream was hazy and it was as though he was watching events unravel through someone else's eyes. He saw his body being lifted aloft by people whose faces were blurred and unrecognisable. They took him through woods to the entrance to an underground cavern. It was dark as they entered but gradually the details became clearer and more focused and Iolaus recognised the place - it was the mountain cave where he had fought the she-wolf.
The whole cavern was lit by hundreds of tallow candles, the stench wafting up to reach his nostrils, making him feel sick even as he saw his other self gag.
Familiar faces started appearing; Hercules was there, smiling down at him: the pity evident in his glazed eyes, Canicles and Leara, the villagers and Ethlin and Drelina, many more whose names tickled at the back of his brain but he just couldn't place.
At that moment the crowd slowly and reverently parted as Caraleira and Bramcene walked slowly towards his other self.
The blonde hunter watched from two different viewpoints, he saw their faces as they came towards him, mocking, grinning and he saw their backs as they walked away from him. Iolaus stared in horror as he realised their heads were hanging at the wrong angle, and then he saw blood pouring down the front of Cara's homespun tunic...
As he watched Iolaus felt hot breath on his neck, the fine hairs rising in reaction and he went to turn, instinctively knowing the awful thing that was behind him but almost fearing the sight in front of him more - the children damaged beyond any healer's ability to help. Hadn't he saved them after all? He felt sharp claws rake across his back tearing the fabric of the purple vest he now found himself wearing. Ripping skin that had received the same punishment before...
Nothing in his dream made sense, his mind brought forth pictures from memory and what...scenes from the future or fantasy? They became mixed and entangled to create a story that wasn't reality. So why was it so horrifyingly clear?
The animal behind him smelled real, the putrid smell of a charnel house. Its body radiated incredible heat as she cast a shadow in the candlelight that would have given even the strongest of men cause to be afraid. But the strange thing was that Iolaus felt he knew it with an intimacy never before shared, he didn't know why but she was familiar somehow and not just because he had fought and killed her. On the altar his other self looked back in terror. Finally he faced the beast.
The she-wolf stood arched over him with matted fur, fangs gleaming brightly in the amber glow. This then was the enemy...or was it? Iolaus was confused - something made him pause and it cost him dearly. He awoke yelling even as the wolf feasted.
"There's to be a feast with the City's elders and some specially invited guests. I won't tell you who they are'll have to wait and find out." Hercules looked at the dumfounded blonde. His mouth had dropped open about six inches and remained that way as Hercules explained the real reason for the Convention.
" mean I'm the one that everyone is hoping to see you?" Hercules nodded. "And I have to make a SPEECH?" he squeaked.
"Well you don't have to Iolaus, but I think it would be the right thing to do under the circumstances don't you? After all these people have travelled from all over Greece just to honour you. For some it must have taken days to get here. From what Marriotti's told me every hostelry and inn is packed for miles around. You're one popular hero my friend."
Iolaus shook his head. "Herc, in all the years we've been together, fighting by one another's side, I've never expected any praise or remuneration. I do it because someone has to and more importantly I care what happens to you - you're family to me. I don't like to think that you could be out there fighting some monster or your weird relatives with no one watching your back. It's just what I do - I'm not special. In fact there are some things you don't know about me from the past. You wouldn't be very proud if you knew what I'd been forced to do sometimes.
Sure every now and then I moan a little that people seem to take me for granted because I hang out with the son of the King of the Gods, but I'm only mortal and if you knew my heart you would know that I don't mean it. So why now Herc? Why all this? From what I can tell there's been a great deal of preparation for this day. I mean, don't get me wrong or really is appreciated's just not me! I'm not a God or a real hero and I don't want to be worshipped...just plain old Iolaus of Thebes who tries to help others."
"Oh Iolaus, you fool. You ARE a hero and special! Very special. How many people would have gone through what you have over the years and survived? Your strength of body and character are what kept you going. I do know your heart my friend, it's good, kind and honest and whatever you may think you deserve much more than just a Convention. You recently touched someone's heart (as only you are capable of Iolaus!) and gave that person back what she would have otherwise lost. In return she wanted to reassure you that you have friends and followers who care deeply about you."
"This was all Leara's doing wasn't it?" Things started to fit into place now, the long conversations about his family and friends during his convalescence, the way she encouraged both himself and Hercules to tell her stories of their deeds asking questions about locations, checking names and details.
"Yes she arranged all this, she even asked me to stage the invitation thing. Whilst you were ill she apparently started thinking about the two of us. She knew that, despite my objection, there were many shrines and statues in my honour and had heard the tales the bards spin and the songs that are sung to the son of Zeus. Her questions became more and more specific about you my friend. I think she has a soft spot for you."
"What woman hasn't?" Iolaus said laughing in mock seriousness remembering their soft embrace when they had finally parted. He sighed.
Hercules cocked his head on one side. "Overestimating our charms again are we?" He laughed. "Anyway, Leara wanted to know what had been done to repay you and I told her truthfully - very little. She seemed upset about that and asked for my help, which I gladly gave her. I can tell by your face that you don't like any of this but don't be angry, it was Leara's way of thanking you for Cara and Bram. Don't spoil it for her."
"Hercules! I have no intention of spoiling anything but neither do I need payment. I guess I'm just overwhelmed. This hero worship thing doesn't sit well with who I am. What do I say when I go out there tomorrow? They've probably been given the impression that I'm some seven foot tall Adonis who has a torso the size of a tree trunk and muscles to match! I don't even have a decent vest to wear for Zeus' sake. Are you sure Salmoneus isn't around?"
Hercules laughed. "You'll find that everything has been taken care of. Go look in the chest by the door."
Iolaus gave him a 'now what' look and sneezed again before doing as the demigod instructed. Inside the little wooden chest was an outfit that had been made especially for him. Leara had asked a seamstress to make Iolaus a new pair of black leather pants to replace his old ones that they couldn't get all the blood out of and a brand new patch vest this one had lacings to fasten it across the chest, helping to hide his scar. "It's purple!" the blonde exclaimed in surprise.
" imagination I guess, either that or she knew just how fond you are of that awful thing."
"Hey, not fair Herc, after all it was your mother who made it for me. Okay so it's fifteen years old now but I'm kinda fond of it." Seeing Hercules' grin he added "And no jokes about me wearing kids clothes or I'll punch you!." He looked again at the present in his hands. "This is a wonderful gift this mean you won't be repairing my other ones for me then?" He giggled and ducked as Hercules threw a pillow at him.
"Talking of garments Iolaus are you going to tell me what was thrown at you earlier?"
The hunter blushed, a deep pink colour rose from his neck to the tips of his ears in genuine embarrassment, the contrast between the flush and his own golden colours was quite striking. " It wouldn't be gentlemanly to disclose that Herc. Besides which I'm not too sure myself."
Hercules didn't believe that for one moment. "Oh really?" Was all he managed.
"Can we change the subject please? I'm breaking out just thinking about it!"
"Sure thing. Well, now that we've got your clothes sorted out I'd better tell you the plan for the day."
Iolaus was replacing the clothes carefully in the box as he spoke "I could also do with a little help on the speech. Since I've only had to address a Kingdom before and that was quite a while ago now. I'm a little out of practice."
The son of Zeus looked at his friend's back as he bent to his task. "You've done what Iolaus? What Kingdom?"
He turned to face his friend. "Didn't I tell you? No, come to think of it I haven't told you very much about what happened in Attica have I? Well you see when I took my cousin, King Orestes, place temporarily it was necessary to continue with the everyday running of court and part of a King's duties is to hear grievances. His subjects came to him with disputes and arguments and it was the Orestes' job to try and solve them as his father did before him."
"And you managed all this?" Hercules said amazed at his friend. "Did you resolve any problems?"
"Oh yeah, all of them, that is all that I could hear in the time. It was really interesting Herc, somehow I just knew what to say to them. I kinda enjoyed it too. You see it's all too easy for a King to dismiss his subjects without giving them a thought - but they are the backbone of the court and without happy subjects there would be civil unrest ergo no Kingdom. It's just commonsense really."
It was Hercules turn to have his jaw resting on his chest. The man before him, his friend that he had known most of his life, had just shown another side to his nature. It made Hercules wonder if, by having Iolaus beside him, he was depriving the world of a powerful and just leader. If Iolaus had chosen to he could have become King of Attica, a role he had, in that small speech, demonstrated himself to be wholly suited to. But Hercules knew Iolaus couldn't have lived a lie and it made him appreciate his friend all the more.
"You amaze me Iolaus. I don't think I need to give you any help. You're quite an orator."
"Yeah, well you should have seen my knees trembling at the Coronation. Some of my ancestors had incredibly odd names! Right what's the plan? Oh and, by the way...please, please remove those darned things." The blonde said pointing at the flowers. "Aaattchoo!"
"Bless you."
"It's okay, it's okay." Hercules had been in the common room when he heard Iolaus cry out, he came rushing in and sat down on the edge of the bed as the hunter awoke and tried to rise.
Hercules put a restraining hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Stay there, everything's all right. Thank the Gods. How do you feel Iolaus?" Hercules looked into his friend's pale face, concerned. Iolaus had kicked off most of the bed clothes in his restless sleep and the demigod picked them up and replaced them over him, trying to keep the frosty air from the sick man.
"Wow. I've been having such terrible nightmares Hercules. They just seemed so real somehow." He was exhausted from thrashing around and lay back on the pillow. "It's strange though, now that I'm awake I can't remember too much about it. I just get the weirdest feeling that this business isn't finished."
"It's just your mind going over everything. You've had a pretty rough couple of days." Iolaus' faced creased and his jaw set against the agony. "You're in pain aren't you?" The hunter said nothing but his face spoke volumes. "I'll get you something for it, stay here."
"Believe me Herc I am not going anywhere!"
"Yes, well I know you. As soon as my back's turned you're off. Do this for me okay?"
Iolaus gave his best martyred look. "Where are the children?"
"They're out playing I believe. Leara's gone with them. Why?"
He wasn't sure why but he needed to know they were safe. He shrugged. "No particular reason I just thought it would be nice to see them that's all."
"Iolaus you're not well enough to have kids jumping all over you. I'll get this medicine and some soup if you can manage to keep it down."
As Hercules went out of the room Iolaus closed his eyes briefly. He couldn't escape the feeling that something was wrong. Perhaps his dreams had shaken him more than he realised. He wasn't the type to put store in idle fancies nevertheless he trusted his instincts. He had to see the children.
The demigod came back with the promised soup and Iolaus managed to get some down followed by the herb brew. Quite a bit ended up on his chin and chest and he kept apologising to Hercules for his weakness as his friend cleaned him up.
"Just stop it Iolaus. We both know that you can't help it. I've had to deal with much worse before so why worry about a little spilled soup? You're acting very twitchy today, are you sure you're feeling better?"
"Yeah, yeah I TOLD you I am." He paused. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap it's just that this is so ridiculous, all of it. It's my own stupidity that got me in this bed in the first place. If it had been you fighting that beast you wouldn't have ended up!"
"And just what gives you that idea? I saw that thing remember? It wasn't an ordinary wolf and I don't care what you say Iolaus no one could have come away from a fight like that without some damage. You're too good a warrior to chastise yourself like this, stop."
They were silent for a moment before Iolaus added "Herc, I really do want to see Cara and Bram now. Please?" he pleaded.
Hercules could see there was something more bothering his friend than he was willing to let on so he decided to humour him. "Okay I'll find them, but just for a short while, then you sleep right?"
"Anything." As long as they're okay, he added silently.
A short while later he returned with Leara and the children in tow. They were delighted to see him awake at last and almost crushed him with kisses. Leara too was pleased though she refrained from doing the same to the hunter. She was actually desperate to kiss him, but Leara knew his healing wounds were tender and she wasn't willing to risk hurting him.
Iolaus bore the attention stoically, laughing and coughing at the same time but his handsome face lit up at the sight of the pretty girls who called him uncle. If anyone had been watching closely when they had first come into the room they would have noticed Iolaus' expression change from panic to relief.
The girls high pitched voices carried all over the cottage as they told Hercules and Iolaus what they had been doing that day and Bram showed them a drawing that she had done on a rough piece of vellum. It was a picture of what must have been Iolaus standing in triumph over the dead body of what looked like a colossal dog but was her way of depicting a wolf. She had cleverly tried to put in some rocks as the background together with two little pin heads, her and her sister, peering round the side of one.
What made Iolaus blanche though was the big jagged hole she had drawn on his side. Leara saw his reaction and quickly ushered the girls out of the room telling them that 'uncle' Iolaus was tired.
It would take a while to forget.
Iolaus started his recovery from that point on. Within a week he had enough strength to get out of bed for a couple of hours at a time without the benefit of Hercules shoulder to lean on and within two Canicles had given him permission to go outside and take in fresh air. By the end of the third week he was going stir crazy, his abundant energy returning to him in armloads. He laughed and played with not only Leara's children but many from the village who seemed to be drawn to the compact warrior. Every one of them called him uncle and he never tired of telling them stories.
All this time Hercules had been helping out with chores in the village as much to bide his time whilst Iolaus recovered as to repay their hospitality. In truth it was they that owed the two men but Hercules didn't see life that way.
Hercules stood watching Iolaus from a distance as the blonde gave piggy back rides to the smallest of the kids, mindful of his aching side and he laughed when they packed over him and brought him to the ground only to bounce back up as though nothing had happened. It was nearly time to leave.
Leara stepped up beside the demigod and laced an arm around his squeezing it in a friendly gesture. They had become good friends over the last few weeks, joined together by Iolaus' incredible heart and suffering. The son of Zeus had spent most evenings talking to this woman whilst he watched Iolaus' battle with health. He knew that the children's mother looked on the hunter as someone she would like to get to know better and he was sad for her. Iolaus wasn't the settling type. After his wife Ania had died the hunter found it hard to stay anywhere for long, leaving broken hearts in his wake. Queen Niobe of Attica was the closest Iolaus had come to thinking about marriage again although Hercules didn't know of his friend's inner turmoil over the beautiful Queen.
"So you think it's a good idea then?" Leara asked as Hercules stared at his friend.
Hercules turned to look at her, small and shapely, the long dark hair framing a heart-shaped face with soft brown eyes, why hadn't he noticed before how beautiful she was? "What, oh, the Convention. Leara, I told you...I don't know. If I had to be honest I'd say no. You must understand that neither Iolaus or I do what we do for recognition, it goes against our nature to have an event like this. Besides which I can't imagine how I'm going to get him there."
"Oh, I've been working on that, we just make out it's you who's the guest of honour! That way Iolaus won't get suspicious. In fact I'd like you to send yourself the invitation. It saves me trying to find a messenger to locate you both when you're gone."
Leara paused and looked wistfully at Iolaus who was resting on a tree stump, the children sitting cross-legged in a circle at his feet whilst he engaged them with yet another story. Even from where they were standing they could see the small man gesticulating wildly and making funny faces enriching his tale. Small voices laughed uproariously at the antics. It was the picture of a teacher and again Hercules was given to wonder at the man he was honoured to call friend.
"All right, I'll do it but only because I agree he deserves something. I can't guarantee you that he'll fall for it Leara. Iolaus is quite shy." They both looked at the hunter again who had risen from his seat and was dancing around pretending to be a horse. "Er...I take that last comment back...he's not shy at all!"
"Then it's settled. In around a month's time there will be the first Iolarian Festival Convention. I like the sound of that!" And she gave the demigod a sisterly kiss on the cheek.
The next morning Marriotti greeted Iolaus with yet another round of kisses on the cheek. "Meister Iolaus once again pleasea let me express my gratitude fora your custom. I havea already made da sign to go over da door, isn't it handsome no?" It was extremely hard for the two men to understand Marriotti's broken Greek and strange accent. Iolaus tried not to laugh thinking it unbecoming of a 'hero' although he was still weighing up whether or not he should kick the man for kissing him.
Before the large landlord could pass Iolaus the mysterious sign Hercules snatched it from over his head. "Hey Herc that was for me to read!"
"I know Iolaus, I just couldn't wait." He read the wooden sign and couldn't suppress a huge grin. "Oh yes sir, I think this will look wonderful what...right about here?" He went outside and held it up over the doorframe. "What do you think Iolaus?"
"What are you doing Hercules?" The hunter said as he followed the demigod outside to look at the sign. "Oh way...I am not letting him put THAT there. He can't. Please tell him Herc, please."
"Why're whining again! Ouch."
The kick that Iolaus had been debating about giving Marriotti was placed squarely on Hercules shin.
"Serves you right, now get that thing down!" This was not the best start to the day.
"Why Iolaus...I think it rather suits the place. 'Iolaus of Thebes, Hero of the people stayed here' Kinda grows on you doesn't it?" The big man teased. "Ouch...will you stop kicking me!"
"Not until you take it down." He launched another kick.
"Ow...okay, okay...just a joke." Hercules took the sign down and handed it to a bemused Marriotti who wasn't quite sure what had just taken place. Then he rubbed his tender shin.
"Time to go my friend."
"Yeah, well maybe I've changed my mind Herc. I don't wanna do this. Leara!!"
Hercules turned his head to see Leara, closely followed by Canicles and his wife Panestra and Leara's two girls. Leara jumped into Iolaus' arms and he hugged her tightly giving her a friendly kiss, she felt the smooth play of his muscles under the vest and felt his sweet breath on her flesh and was reluctant to break the hold - ever! "Let me look at you Iolaus. I see someone found the clothes, they look good on you."
"You think so? Yeah, well thanks very much I'm really pleased to have them, I was getting a little self-conscious about the others. Listen, Leara...I really appreciate all this but I'm just not..."
"Uncle Iolaus what about us?" Interrupted Cara as she tugged on his trousers and looked up into Iolaus' face.
"Oh sweetheart I haven't forgotten you, either of you." and he bent down to scoop them into his arms giving them each a kiss. "We missed you and so did Xena!" Bram whispered into his ear, thrusting the little doll into his sight line. "Well thank you too Xena." Iolaus said, feeling more than a touch silly talking to a wooden doll named after the warrior princess. He stood up to talk to Leara again, keeping his hands on the children's heads.
"As I was saying...I don't think that I'm ..."
"Iolaus it's good to see you up and around, you're looking so much better. Let me take a quick look at how you're side's healing." Canicles stepped forward and automatically lifted the brand new vest. Iolaus' hand whipped down to cover the sight of his injury. "Thank you Canicles, but it's perfectly FINE. I'd rather you didn't poke around, if you don't mind."
Hercules heard the anger and irritation in his friend's voice, to him it seemed totally out of character for the hunter but he put it down to Iolaus being self-conscious of his scars.
The smile faded briefly from the healer's face but as quickly it returned and he tried to get off the subject. "Well you appear to be doing fine now. By the way I don't think in all the time you were with us I had the chance to introduce my wife Panestra. Panestra dear this is 'the' Iolaus." He emphasised the 'the'.
Iolaus took her proffered hand and squeezed it gently. "It is a real pleasure to meet you Iolaus, my husband told me so much about you and of course the whole village just had to come today."
Iolaus gulped "The WHOLE village?"
"Well not quite, we've left some of the elderly who couldn't travel and there's the Darik boy who's sick, he couldn't come, oh and a couple of others to look after them. We had to pull hay in the end to see which ones of us would stay behind. No one wanted to you see. It was quite a trip."
"Oh." Was all Iolaus could manage. How could he turn back now with all these people waiting just to see him - he was very, very nervous.
"Come on Iolaus...time for the festivities to start." Leara took him by the arm and, linked with the son of Zeus on the other, they walked down the street that had begun to fill with onlookers.
One person in the small group was uneasy. Canicles eyebrows were knitted in worry. He was concerned about why Iolaus wasn't willing to let him examine the scar on his side and he was worried even more about the pulsing that he glimpsed under the damaged skin. He made a mental note to send a message to Fadoulla about it.
Many didn't know what the fuss was about but more people did. It was like the day before when the men had arrived in Aredi only this time there were flowers being thrown at the heroes as they marched toward the city centre and the small arena that was being used for the Convention. A flower caught in the blonde's hair as he passed under a window and he left it there: a white daisy hanging from his soft golden locks.
Reluctantly Iolaus began to enjoy himself. People whistled and waved and he saw more banners like the one outside his window. The strange symbol looked almost like a heart with the arrow through it and the significance wasn't lost on him, the words were flattering and to him unbelievable. He walked tall and proud with his friends by the side and actually felt good.
As they entered the arena Iolaus had an even bigger shock. The place was packed. There must have been at least four hundred people crammed into the auditorium and when they spotted him a huge cheer went up. Even the great Hercules himself had tears in his eye. Leara had done a magnificent job.
When Iolaus finally remembered to take a breath he looked around the arena. There were faces from his past that spanned over thirty years. How on earth had Leara managed to find so many of the people he knew? He was overawed. The little group walked into the centre of the building and the whole audience rose to its feet and clapped. Then set up a chant "Iolaus, Iolaus, Iolaus, Iolaus..."
Canicles and Panestra sat the children down in the front row where they could get the best view of their friends. They didn't know it but sitting next to them were Alcmene and Jason, Hercules' mother and stepfather. Jason was clasping Alcmene's hand tightly and she wept unashamedly with joy. The small warrior was as much a son to her as Hercules or Iphicles. Jason too had cause to thank the young man before them and he was choked.
Somewhere towards the back of the auditorium Hercules caught a glimpse of a pink negligee and a shock of blonde hair and knew that Aphrodite hadn't resisted the invitation to honour 'sweetcheeks', with her and also invisible to the rest of the audience was Hephaestus. He had brought with him a very special dagger, forged by his own hand, which he would give to Iolaus after the convention.
Leara started off the proceedings, showing an unexpected talent for speaking in public. It was necessary to shout to be heard but the acoustics pretty much compensated for the quieter moments.
"Friends...I would like to thank you all for coming here today. We have joined here in order to show our appreciation for a man without whom most of us would not be sitting here. Many of us, or our children or friends, would most likely be in the Elysian Fields if these two brave men didn't walk among us. Forget the myths and the legends I will tell you a true story from my heart and then we will hear from some others who count themselves fortunate to have crossed the path of Iolaus of Thebes."
Hercules noticed his friend shifting about from one foot to the other, his hands behind his back knotting with anxiety and embarrassment, as Leara told of the rescue of her children and the death of the wolf. He couldn't ease his friend's discomfort but he could stand by his side. The demigod moved closer and Iolaus looked at him, his piercing blue eyes catching the equally blue ones of the son of Zeus. I'm here Iolaus.
Iolaus never stopped moving, throughout the whole proceeding he was agitated. Person after person came forward to recount their own tales of his heroism, many included Hercules but all focused their attention on the hunter's part in the story. There was a ripple of applause as the Leara introduced someone who had insisted on being here today.
The blonde warrior looked toward the audience as a tall grey-haired soldier moved toward the stage. It was Hector, Niobe's aide. It was nearly too much for Iolaus and his knees started to tremble, just the thought of Niobe could do that to him. He could see Linus waving from where Hector had left him but thankfully not the beautiful Queen.
The strong soldier greeted Iolaus with a warrior's handshake but couldn't resist hugging the smaller man as well. Both men had suspiciously bright eyes when Hector turned to the assembled people. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"People of Aredi and friends and acquaintances of Iolaus. I am here today, as you are, to honour a man whom we have already heard is a great hero. I have learned much about him today that I never knew, but none of it surprises me. I wish to add my tale to the telling which I hope will overlay yet another dimension to this special warrior's character." He looked back at Iolaus as if to get permission to continue. Iolaus just looked at his feet, trying to retain his control.
"Some while ago the Kingdom of Attica was under threat by an internal faction who were willing to kill the King in order to place his weaker brother as a puppet on the throne. Iolaus closely resembles King Orestes as he is related to the line and therefore willingly agreed to place his life in jeopardy in order to ensure that the coronation took place as planned while the his majesty recovered from being drugged.
Unfortunately King Orestes was captured and was gradually being poisoned. Once again it was Iolaus that we turned to. He rescued Orestes and was himself wounded several times in the ensuing fight with the traitor. More details I cannot disclose suffice to say that we had need of this special man once more in order to keep the kingdom together and Queen Niobe, the late King Orestes wife sends her greetings to Iolaus today.
I now know that these were the actions of a man used to fighting evil and I am, as you all must be, in awe of this mortal. But one thing I must add is that during his brief sojourn as the sovereign he showed himself to be an honest and just leader, someone who could command respect and love. Whose judgements were fair and in whom I would trust my life."
Hector turned once more to his friend and sank to one knee before the dumbfounded Iolaus. He bent his head as a mark of respect, his helmet clutched beneath one arm. "I am honoured to know you Iolaus of Thebes and should you have need of my services, or of that of the subjects of Attica I am instructed by her majesty to tell you they are yours. Oh, and Linus wanted me to thank you too!" he added quietly.
The audience roared their approval as an amazed Iolaus tried to get Hector to rise. "Hector, please get know I didn't want you to kneel to me even when I was playing the king. It doesn't become a soldier like you - and it embarrasses the heck out of me!"
Hector laughed and stood to face the smaller man. "That's so typical of you don't like anyone saying thanks."
"Yeah well there's 'Thanks Iolaus' and then there's THIS!"
Hector shook hands with Hercules noting the pride in the demigod's eyes. "Thanks are of course extended to you too Hercules. Your friend makes quite an impression on people!"
"Doesn't he just." Hercules replied looking at the man at his side. "He's a little overcome with it all I think."
"Well I look forward to meeting you both at the feast. Linus is eager to talk to the famous son of Zeus! See you later my friend."
Hercules spoke next. There was a hushed silence as the son of the King of the Gods took centre stage.
"Friends, family and those of you who have come from far away for this day - welcome. Iolaus will kill me if I say too much about him, you can probably tell he's not really enjoying this one bit!" A ripple of laughter ran through the arena. "When Leara first approached me with the idea of running a convention in honour of the shy Iolaus I told her it wasn't such a good idea. You've heard from many people today what kind of a man he is and it is part of this amazing character that makes him feel unworthy of this adoration. He is modest - SOMETIMES! and insisted many times to me today that it shouldn't be him standing here before you but me. Naturally I agreed but was willing to let this dog have his day." Again the laughter as people warmed to Hercules powerful personality.
"Gee thanks Herc!" Iolaus said behind him.
"You're welcome my friend, now...where was I? Oh yes...Iolaus and I practically grew up together in Thebes and I know this man like the back of my own hand. He is one of the best fighters I know with a warrior's heart, he can track animals for miles without tiring and can hunt with the best of them (although his cooking does leave a little to be desired!). I have heard (not witnessed!) that he is one of the best lovers in Greece and enjoys nothing better than to spend time at festivals (with all the pretty women). There is no one I would rather have at my side or protecting my back in a fight and he has the strength of many men, despite what he looks like!"
"Hey watch it Hercules." Iolaus mumbled.
Herc shrugged "In short he is the best friend a man could have and I'm proud to be counted among them."
The audience rose to its feet cheering as Hercules stepped back out of the limelight to take his place once more beside a very red Iolaus.
"Speech, speech!" Everyone shouted as Leara guided a reluctant Iolaus to the front. He ran a shaking hand through his tousled blonde locks, dislodging the daisy, which fell to the ground.
"" He looked again at the sheer number of people there just for him. The feeling of love directed towards him was palpable, it washed over him in waves as he stood before them trembling.
Iolaus cleared his throat and began again.
"Hi..." he squeaked. "Er...what can I say? Hercules is right I'm so totally overwhelmed with everything that it's kinda hard to know where to start. Er...I guess the best place would be to say a huge thank you to everyone for coming to Aredi today. I truly had no idea that this event was taking place until I saw many of you outside my bedroom window yesterday! Ah, oh...yeah and thanks for the flowers...even if I am allergic to them!" He giggled and his charming personality took the audience with him.
"Herc, er...that is Hercules ah...told me that he had been invited to attend this convention in his honour and that seemed right to me. He is really the person here today that you should be honouring, not me. I just do what he says! Nah...that's not true...sometimes I get a little hot-headed and go off on my own. That's really how this all started as Leara told you - so you can blame me for your being here today.
I recognise most of you although you may have to forgive me if I don't remember all your names. The circumstances under which we met are imprinted forever on my memory. The real heroes here today are each and every one of you. For putting up with the things that you do, for overcoming the evil in your lives and for rebuilding with an inner hope and sense that things can be achieved. If you want to thank me for my small part in your lives please do, it's the least I can do for all of you have made me what I am today. You and Hercules, without whom I would never have survived to this ripe old age.
Another person, who deserves to be mentioned is Hercules' mother Alcmene, sitting here at the front with Jason of Argos. She has put up with me for most of my life and deserves a medal herself. Thank you sweet Alcmene."
The tears that had dried up started to pour down Alcmene's cheeks again and she wiped at them with the back of her delicate hand. Jason patted her knee affectionately.
"I won't bore you any longer with talking as I'm sure you are all anxious to get to the feast, I know I am! Just to express my very last, and heartfelt thanks, to Leara who pulled all this together without my knowledge. She and her children, little Caraleira and Bramcene, were my extended family for nearly four weeks and I owe them much. No less do I owe thanks to the grumpy Canicles sitting next to Alcmene here who saved my life. You see...I'm not the one who needs to be worshipped! Anyway...I have had a very enjoyable, if extremely embarrassing, morning and am dying to get stuck into the feast, as Hercules said I LOVE Festivals!"
When Iolaus finished the house went up with applause and cheers, every single person rose to their feet, whistling and clapping. Hats were thrown into the air, banners waving wildly in the breeze. More flowers were launched at the stage, despite Iolaus' declaration. The blonde hunter couldn't resist a theatrical bow as he turned to leave. Hercules clasped an arm around his friend's shoulders and led him outside to the continuous sound of approval.
"Er...that wasn't so bad Herc although I still don't quite believe all the things that were said about me."
"Iolaus my friend, you never will."
"Yeah, well as long as they don't ask me to kiss babies...yuck!" He giggled merrily as they walked back up the street to the city hall where the feast was due to take place.
"So that was the first Iolarian Convention...hmmn...I wonder if they'll do one next year?"
"Iolaus...I thought you didn't want this in the first place." Hercules was surprised at the change in his friend's attitude.
"Oh...well...I know...but that was before I saw all those gorgeous women in the audience. A man's gotta live Herc!"
"He certainly does Iolaus...he certainly does."
As the two heroes strolled happily along the road together the ache in Iolaus' side grew...
---- THE END ----
(OR IS IT? tee hee hee)
(Disclaimer: No Italio/Romano accents were harmed during the writing of this story, our hero however was squeezed by a large pizza maker and is now recovering in hospital.)
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