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The spotlight shines upon a special piece added, all new items to the tarot, and hopefully a photic sneezer or two :-) It hopes to especially recognize pieces above and beyond what we have come to expect, so there may or may not be a spotlighted piece each update.
The Spotlight for this update Shines on:

Update: 9/20/03
Items Added:

Past Updates:

Update: 8/22/03
Spotlight: nothing
Items Added: Yahoo Group created for tarotgal's sites, 6 female pictures in the female picture gallery, 1 female wav contributed, 1 male wav found and reloaded, New Version of FAQ created, Some more broken links fixed

Update: 8/16/03
Spotlight: everything
Items Added: Site relocated and reloaded!

Update: 10/5/03
Spotlight: nothing
Items Added: Guess 2 answer & winners revealed, Guess 3 posted

Update: 9/29/02
Spotlight: nothing
Items Added: Guess 1 answer & winners revealed, Guess 2 posted

Update: 9/23/02
Spotlight: Everything! Happy 5-year anniversary!
Items Added: Tarot of Sneezing site given a whole new look!, New Section: Guess the sneeze, New Section: Guys with Colds, New Forum: Guys with Colds, New Page: History of TOS, New Page: Terms of Usage for TOS, 7 new female video clips in Seeing is Believing, 7 new male video clips in Seeing is Believing, 4 new pictures & sets of pictures in the Beginnings section, 2 new female sound wavs, 1 new female sound wav from Kira on DS9 added to Star Trek Fanfic page, 1 new male picture from Batman added to Television Fanfic page, 2 new female pictures in the female photo gallery, 3 new male pictures in the male photo gallery, 8 new female stories, 5 of them are for adults only

Update: 9/6/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 2 male comics, 4 "other" comics (animals sneezing), 5 songs (some parodies), 3 male stories, 3 male sound wavs from Hypnos, 2 female video clips (seeing is believing), 1 male video clip (seeing is believing), 2 male video clips reloaded (seeing is believing), 1 other video clip (seeing is believing), FAQ Updated

Update: 8/20/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 26 male sound wavs from Hypnos, TV and Movie listing updated with new listings, FAQ slightly updated

Update: 8/6/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 9 female comics, 16 male comics, 1 male and female comic, 7 other comics, 5 male pictures in the male picture gallery, 12 female pictures in the female picture gallery

Update: 8/5/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Female picture gallery split into multiple (4) pages for easier downloading, Thumbnails added to Comics pages for previews, 4 male & female comics, 15 female comics, 23 male comics, 27 other comics, 12 female pictures in the female picture gallery, 17 male pictures in the male picture gallery, 10 art pieces in Sneezing Art

Update: 8/3/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: FAQ slightly updated, 1 female video added, Webpage Listing page updated to include forums & groups, Forums and groups page removed from major arcana, New section in the major arcana- The International Search- a listing of sneeze-related words from different countries, Welcome message changed, missing things list added to front of main page for easier reference

Update: 7/31/02
Many new Female Pictures
Items Added: 87 female pictures,1 male picture, 3 female comics, 4 female video clips in Seeing is Believing, 3 male video clips in Seeing is Believing, 1 other video clip in Seeing is Believing, 1 drawing in art section, Star Trek page in the fanfiction section, 6 songs added to the song page, Movie & Television listing updated, Missing things page updated, Webpage listing page redirected, Forum listing page redirected, placeholders added to the Fanfiction page

Update: 7/23/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: FAQ updated, TG's realm relocated

Update: 7/22/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 7 new female movie clips, 2 new male movie clips

Update: 6/22/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 3 new female movie clips

Update: 6/21/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: TV/Movie listing updated with new entires and sample clip links, male comic added

Update: 6/20/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 4 female clips (including 3 from the Scooby Movie), new poll added, guestmap guestbook added, FAQ slightly updated

Update: 6/18/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 36 male video clips from ImageBank and StupidVideo, 12 female video clips from ImageBank, 1 other video clip from Imagebank

Update: 6/16/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 6 new songs (most with lyrics and wav excerpts) added to songs page, 31 new male photos in the gallery, 64 new female photos in the gallery, Buddy Icon in computer section

Update: 6/15/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 1 painting for Sneezing Art, 9 new songs with lyrics and excerpts for most, 4 female video clips, FAQ slightly updated

Update: 3/27/02
Anime video clips
Items Added: 19 anime video clips, movie & tv listing updated, FAQ slightly updated

Update: 3/25/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: TV/Movie Listing Updated

Update: 3/24/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 14 new female pictures, 6 new male pictures, 5 new female sounds, 7 new male sounds, 1 new male video

Update: 3/23/02
The Sneezing Art
Items Added: 72 pictures to the art section, several pics & wavs to The Beginnings section, 1 new female comic, 9 new male comics

Update: 3/22/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 2 female videos restored, 1 other video added

Update: 3/16/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: More female wavs restored

Update: 3/8/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Seeing is Believing Page slightly updates, FAQ Updated to version 2.2, "First time here?" section revised

Update: 3/3/02
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 19 Female Video Clips, 11 Male Video Clips, 2 Other Video Clips

Update: 3/2/02
Seeing is Believing Restored
Items Added: Seeing is Believing page for male, female, and other sneezing video clips, Restored 4 more female wavs, Restored 6 video clips from Home for the Holidays, Revised FAQ version 2.1 posted, Restored a few more videos (Prof's, guy with tie, etc.)

Update: 3/1/02
FAQ Version 2.0
Items Added: Added a Missing Materials page- help me out if you can! 9 Female wavs restored thanks to donations, many Comics restored, Comics page redone- split to 4 pages, 25 new male comics added, 11 new female comics added, 11 other comics added, Counter (based on last recorded value of counter) added

Update: 2001-2002
Progress: small revisions, large move from one site to another, attempts to restore page to last known state of content. New forum for TOS feedback, and link to TG's new page (TG's Realm)

Update: 8/12/00
Spotlight: The wonderful video additions
Items Added: 11 new female video clips in Seeing is Believing, 2 new male video clips in Seeing is Believing, 2 new male cartoon video clips in Seeing is Believing, 10 female pictures in the gallery

Update: 8/8/00
Spotlight: X
Items Added:  Text vs Frames versions combined in one for easier updating and less confusing navigation, Major and Minor pages redone, 16 new female wavs (most tg recorded off tv/movies), 12 new male wavs (most tg recorded off tv/movies), Forums and Clubs added to the forums page, New page of links for all the Sneezing Webpages, 8 new female video clips in Seeing is Believing, 3 new male video clips, Poetry page, Art page begun (lots of material to be added soon!), Who wants to be a Sneezionare Contest, New fanfic pages for just about everything, NOTE: much more to be added once the xoom server gets its wonderful butt in gear :-)

Update: 4/9/00
Spotlight: X
Items Added:  Reconstructed female picture gallery for much easier viewing and downloading, 9 new pictures in female gallery, Reconstructed male picture gallery for much easier viewing and downloading, 6 new pictures in male gallery, new Computer Accessories page, relocated Seeing is Believing page to Picture deck and expanded it to 3 pages, 7 new female movies in Seeing is Believing- Female(info soon to come), 2 new male movies in Seeing is Believing- Male(info soon to come), 1 new cartoon program in Seeing is Believing- Cartoon, 6 new cartoons on Comics page(Calvin & Hobbes, 2 male, 1 female, 2 other), 2 new female sounds added to Female Sounds suit, 4 new & wonderful male sounds added to Male Sounds suit- all with talking!! :-)

Update: 2/25/00
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Reconstructed much (but not all) of the sounds in the male sounds decks 2, 3, and 4

Update: 2/1/00
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 2 new sneezing movies to the 'Seeing is Believing' Page (contributed by Cat), 2 updated sneezing movies to the 'Seeing is Believing' Page (also from Cat), EDS Cat Hearders Commercial Link, New stuff up on the TOT as of 1/30/00

Update: 1/16/00
Spotlight: Movie Clips from Niceguy
Items Added: 2 male pictures for the male gallery (one I scanned in from a National Geographic magazine), 9 female wavs in the female sounds section, 7 male wavs in the male sounds section, 2 new webpage links (and a TOT Site&Forum!), Cough Fetish Page link added to 'The Links' page

Update: 1/16/00
Spotlight: Movie Clips from Niceguy
Items Added: 8 Movie clips in Seeing is Believing section, 1 male sneezing wav, 7 female sneezing wavs

Update: 1/9/00
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Movie Clip of Matt Damon sneezing from 'Dogma' in Seeing is Believing section, Phantom of the Opera fanfic by tg, Tg's Top 10 Male sneezes in tg's Corner

Update: 12/12/99
Spotlight: X
Items Added: 19 pictures in male gallery, 3 pictures in female gallery, 11 new comics (7 male, 4 other) in comics section, 1 male sneezing movie in 'Seeing is Believing' section

Update: 11/18/99
Spotlight: X
Items Added: TG's Corner- a section for all of TG's personal contributions and material

Update: 11/4/99
Something for Everyone - TG's third major wav.
Items Added: 6 Female Wavs, 5 Male Wavs, 2 Female Stories (one 18+), 8 Female Pictures in the Gallery, 6 Male Comics, 1 Female Comic, Page for Autumn's Web Page, Old and New Movies added to 'Seeing is Believing' Page

Update: 10/8/99
Spotlight: X
Items Added: sneeze mail Service, Forums Page Updates, 2 female comic pictures, 1 male story by Piper, 1 female Voyager Fanfic story, Added old mixes to Mixes Page

Update: 9/23/99
Three Sneezes , Four Sneezes
Items Added: 4 Male Pictures (Three from KMan), 2 Female sneeze-related Pictures, 1 Male Story (PG13 for language only) by tg, TONS of new comics and a new look to the page, Seeing-is-Believing Page (of videos and such)

Update: 8/11/99
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Nine Female Sounds, Fourteen/Fifteen Male Sounds, More fixes, many missing wav files uploaded, 10 of the wavs were recorded by me(not of me... just by me). There is still a lot to go.

Update: 8/9/99
Spotlight: X
Items Added: Eight Female Pictures, One Male Picture, All files converted to html(mistake from previous upload) and several links fixed. Still many things uncompleted and many wavs and stories to go

Update: 7/26/99
Lights... Camera... Action!
Items Added: A New Look for the entire site, seven Male Stories, one Female Story, cards page, wallpaper/collage page, results page, mixes(unfinished), link to 'The Woman's Path'

The spotlight choices are those of the webmaster(TG) and no one else. TG does not play favorites, she simply wishes to provide special recognition to those who contribute outstanding pieces. ALL contributions are important- there would be no website without them. But we all must agree that from time to time there are pieces that go above and beyond the usual. Those deserve special recognition. Who knows, maybe they will inspire us all to strive for such heights.