This page is filled with links and info you might find useful.
This is a list of Frequently-Asked Questions about TOS, TG, Sending Contributions, Other Pages, Forums, Chat, even How to Record a Wav. If you have a question or would just like to learn more before diving into all this, that's the place to check out. FAQ
Sneezing Web Ring:
Like so many other subjects out there, there is a web ring linking pages which focus on sneezing. Check it out to get to all the other wonderful pages out there quickly. If you have a page, feel free to submit it to the webring! Sneezing Webring
Free E-mail:
Many people here find it's a good idea to not use the e-mail your internet service provided. Perhaps you'd like to be able to check your e-mail from anywhere. Perhaps you share that account with someone you don't want to read your e-mails about sneezing. If this is the case, get a free e-mail address! I have a few dozen, myself.
Hotmail is by far the most popular service out there. I use it because of its ease. Reliability isn't always the best, and like almost all, there is a file size limit. It also requires you use cookies. But if you're in the mood for a quick service that lets you check pop mail, filter, set up folder, and stay completely anon, check it out!
Mailcity is set up by Lycos. It is fast, well organized, and has less problems overall.
NetAddress is a very simple service, with good security and just as many features as everywhere else. I personally like its format better than hotmail's.
Free Speech:
I am a firm believer of free speech on the internet. It is one of the reasons the forum is as free as it is- requiring no sign-ups or confirmations for each post. However, there are people who abuse the privledges. Free Speech is beautiful in theory, but in a place where people from hundreds of countries and people of all ages come to play, it's not always practical. I, in no way, admonish safety chips or devices. However, my page is set up to keep the small, light adult-related material "out of reach" from those who do not want to see it. The different versions are not "protected" but do allow for freedoms the internet should not be without, coupled with the morality of decision that I hope users of my page do not visit without :-)