The Poetic Cold
{Prepare to laugh-don't take this poem too seriously!}
That night I rode home
On the city's fine train
The weather was cold
With sleet and hard rain
It was the season
Of flu and of cold
When coughs were abundant
And sneezes ten-fold
I watched all the riders
Struggle with their ills
Wiping thier runs and
Popping their pills
They'd cough and sneeze
Germs flying in the air
With no regard to others
Without much of a care
When I returned home
Late that one night
I felt sort of weary
And not at all right
My nose it did tickle
And I sneezed a great sneeze
"AH-CHOO!" it did go
"Excuse me," I did wheeze
Needless to say
I came down with the same
A horrible cold
Much too wild to tame
The tickles were starting
Down deep in my nose
It felt like my allergy
Of ragweed and rose
My nose got all stuffy
And I needed to blow
To crawl under my blankets
Escape from the snow
With so much attention
My nose became sore
I sniffed and I rubbed it
Raw down to the core
It didn't relieve me
Instead it grew worse
And I considered this cold
Now just a bod curse
A tickle came lightly
My nose it did fill
And with an "Ah-CHOO!"
I felt very ill
Sniffling and sneezing
I speant all my days
Downing bottles of medicine
In a fevery haze
My nose was unhappy
And did tell me so
As I sneezed every sneeze
And blew every blow
Tissue after tissue
Trash cans filled up fast
I wondered how long
My sneezes would last
It was almost as if
The wanted to stay
They's found a fine place
They could spend every day
But I did not like it
I could barely breathe
The thought of it staying
Really did make me seethe
Long and longer
The tickles did linger
Some I sneezed outright
Some stiffled with a finger
"Ah... Ahhh... Ahhhh"
Started me off
Sometimes I would just sneeze it
Sometimes I'd just cough
The cold in my head
Just would not go
And with every "Ah-choo!"
It bothered me so
And sometimes it started
To tickle my nose
And then it would stop
And I just froze
The sneezes were brutal
Loud, deep and wet
I wondered how worse
My head cold could get
Until the time
I woke up from rest
And found them going
I'd passed of the test
With one great big sneeze
I felt my head clear
My nostrils did flair
And my eyes did tear
My nose was still running
And I gave it a blow
But my fever was down
It'd started to slow
The sneezes did pass
As I knew that they would
And I looked myself over
As best I could
I looked a week dreadful
From head down to toe
And if it'd come back
I did not know
* * * * *
I hope it doesn't.
It's not very much fuuaahhhh...
ahhhh... ahhhhhh...
Uh oh *sniff*