Motorcycle sneeziness
By Eternuer
A parody of the Manic Street Preachers'
'Motorcycle Emptiness',
dedicated to Richey Edwards, wherever he is.
Dust gets up your nose
Inhale, exhale, as the wind blows
Summer allergies, winter colds
Everything has it in for your nose
Just when you think it's over
Another sneeze comes to haunt you, haunt you, haunt you...
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Moment when you wake up
Sneezing starts-when will it stop?
From benedryl to claritin
Nothing can stop this damn sneezing
Summer but no holiday
Allergies causing such pain, such pain, such pain...
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
All we've got from you are the germs you've given us
All we've got from you are the germs you've given us
All we've got from you are the germs you've given us
All we've got from you are the germs you've given us
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Taking your nasal spray
Your pills-what did the doctor say?
Wearing your dark black shades
Why do you need all these aids?
Here comes the funny bit
Allergy ads talk big shit, big shit, big shit...
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Motorcycle sneeziness
Oh God nasal stuffiness
Everlasting rhinitis