From: Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:50:38 EDT Subject: for archiving: Muse vs Rabbit To: Yet another installment of the Muse Series... Disclaimers: I own myself, however the rest of the FK universe I'm only borrowing. Archiving granted to the DPs and Mel's fkfanfic site. All others ask first. Comments as always go to Muse vs. Rabbit ******************** "Well this is a perfect mess." "Come on in, Lacroix, make yourself at home, Lacroix." "Sorry, my dear, I had thought we had dispensed with pleasantries." "True enough." *hack, cough* "You sound healthy." "For a mortal with a cold that's more voracious than an angry tiger, yup." "And your voice?" "Crackling like an old vinyl album." "Then perhaps I should come back." "That's okay. It's not like I can infect you anyways." "I keep telling you there are benefits to being amongst the so-called undead." "I know, I know, maybe later." "When you're old and wrinkly?" *hack* "I will not be wrinkly!" *wheeze* "You're not denying the `old' part; you really are sick." "Yep, and just in time for Easter." "How goes the celebrations?" "Very well. Dark Perks: 4, Easter Bunny: 0." "You haven't beheaded him yet?" "Nope, that's for later. Right now we're hanging him directly above the jell-o." "A frightening experience, surely." "Oh, yeah. The pit and the pendulum have nothin' on the basement jell-o." "As I've noticed; your non-CP DPs can be very sensitive sometimes." "Well stop mocking them!" "Can I help but be jealous when that dark haired spaniard gets their attention when I don't?" "Yes, you can." "I doubt that." "I don't." "The congestion is clouding your thoughts, obviously." "It could be the sugar, too." "And just how much sugar have you had?" "Enough to rot 12 teeth." "A lovely image, as always." "Thank you. There's some leftover stuff on the bed if you want." "I don't think so. I'm not chemically dependant on prescription free stimluants." "And I am?" "Frankly, yes." "Aaaw, come on Lacroix, one little marshmallow Peep won't kill you." "You'd be surprised. Those things are dreadful." "Not after the first pound of refined sugar. After that, you can't taste the food colouring. or anything." "Question." "Which is?" "Why would you intentionally gorge yourself with large quantities of sugar within the period of one day?" "Because we can?" "And condone the ruthless treatment of a mythical holiday creature who is meant to spread joy?" "You have to ask?!" "True enough. If it wasn't for the insipid fur all over that annoying fuzz ball, I'd drain it myself." "There's the right attitude. Would you like to be part of the DP conspiracy to replace Santa Claus with an alien clone?" "Perhaps not." "Your loss." *hack, sneeze* "So where's the rest of the thugs?" "We had a pink bunny pi¤ata made. They're all out back; I came back in for my next dose of cold medicine." "And... " "Some more chocolate?" "And... " "Kleenex . Okay, okay. And more caffiene." "Planning on killing that cold with hyperactivity?" *grin, cough* "That's what I thought." "Hey, why don't you join us with the thwacking? We'll let you take a swing." "No, I was actually thinking of going to your basement and mocking that annoying hare." "Hare today, gone tomorrow." *raises eyebrow* "What? I couldn't resist... " "Was that a remark about my hair?" "No. At least I don't think it was." "You really are sick." "Oh yeah. Apparently half my brain is flinging insults and the other half is too sick to care." "I've heard of couples not talking to each other but this is putting a whole new spin on it, dear." "Uh-huh. Here's the key to the door; we had to lock `em in. Watch out for the first step though, it may still be coated with some of the pink goo. The bunny put a fight." "But it was no match for you thugs, of course." "Flatterer." "Of course." "And one request?" "Which would be... ?" *sneeze, sneeze, cough, sniffle* "Bring more Kleenex ." ***************